
dtmfadvice t1_jdx3mz7 wrote

This. I've lived in 2 and 3 unit condo buildings and our dues have been VERY low, nobody's getting paid for the work. The tasks for the head of a small HOA are:

  • Track dues coming in and common area utility and insurance bills going out (approx 1 minute per month, everything should be on autopay)
  • Coordinate whose turn it is to shovel/weed/garden/vacuum common areas or hire someone to do that.
  • Buy new trash cans when damaged (if the city doesn't issue municipal trash cans).
  • Keep an eye on the checking account to save up enough for the inevitable repair of the roof/siding/etc. in a few years.
  • Every few years get a rebid on the master insurance policy to see if you can find a better rate.

There's no reason for any HOA officer to be paid anything in an HOA that small. All of your dues should be going directly to the HOA checking account, and nothing should be coming out of it that isn't paying for insurance or specific services that everyone agrees upon.


dtmfadvice t1_jcghk8b wrote

Parlor Sports. They're the best. Also good for group watching soccer, rugby, and for some reason The Bachelor.

I'd love a place that showed motogp but it's never on at any reasonable times anyway so I just watch it streaming when convenient and avoid looking at /r/motogp on race weekends.


dtmfadvice t1_j9gttp9 wrote

Yes. There are also substantial national tax rebates as of this year for switching from gas to heat pumps. OP may have a little more trouble finding contractors familiar with the latest advances in heat pump systems (they sucked in the 70s and their reputation has not kept up with the reality that they're way better now).


dtmfadvice t1_j98hjvt wrote

LOL I should operate a bike pastry tour. Start at Colette for trad French.

Then True Grounds for Rae's neo-excellence. Then get Montreal bagels at Turenne, English muffins at Vinal, and finish off with trad French at Beatrice.

I know there was an ice cream crawl by bike last summer. And a hot dog crawl.... Although I think that was like "collect stamps from participating hot dog places over the course of several weeks" because nobody should eat that many hot dogs all at once.


dtmfadvice t1_j96kubf wrote

Cafe Beatrice in Cambridge Crossing and Colette in Medford both do a great selection of traditional patisserie.

And don't miss Rae the Baker's pretzel croissant at True Grounds for a nontraditional take. (The miso morning bun is also an incredible mix of savory and sweet laminated pastry!)


dtmfadvice t1_j8pn92h wrote

Reply to comment by SuckMyAssmar in Gentrification by [deleted]

Philips puts together a pretty good 3 legged stool analogy: supply, stability, subsidy.

Supply: Unless there are enough homes for everyone, people will get priced out. The region has added jobs faster than housing for decades, and we have a serious supply problem. Adding to the total quantity of homes is necessary but not sufficient.

Stability: tenants need protection. Even when there's enough supply, people can still get screwed by landlords, and we need to have good protections.

Subsidy: even when there's lots of homes and tenant protections, not everyone can pay market rent. So we need subsidies.

Now, the subsidies go further when there's more supply. The tenant protections are bolstered by the ability of tenants to go "f this I'm moving" and find another apartment.

All three reinforce each other.


dtmfadvice t1_j8l5chn wrote

Reply to Housing by Zaritta_b_me

Scam: asking for money before you see the apartment.

Bullshit but actually happens: application fees and the fee of 1 month rent to a broker who does no work.


dtmfadvice t1_j89y8p5 wrote

The Druid in Inman Sq, and the Burren in Davis, are good for Irish pub stuff. Druid has truly excellent shepherd's pie.

The ICA can be good, although it's a bit pretentious.

Look for discounts to get into the MFA, there are a bunch of different weird offers (like, free for people with Visa credit cards one Thursday a month, that kind of thing.)

I think the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum is free if you're named Isabella. It's a pretty different sort of museum than most places and the atrium is truly beautiful especially when the weather is terrible. Worth a visit even if you don't have a discount IMHO.


dtmfadvice t1_j7e75h5 wrote

For cheap, no idea. You'll save tens of thousands over buying and owning a car, but they're still $$ to buy.

Bicycle Belle is, I'm told, America's #1 Urban Arrow dealer.


dtmfadvice t1_j68y0s5 wrote

Depending on the thickness of the painting and its size you may be able to buy a standard prebuilt frame and a custom mat. Or even a precut mat. The custom part gets expensive.

Framebridge also does framing by mail for pretty reasonable prices but they're not exactlycheap.


dtmfadvice t1_j5qx0b2 wrote

Yeah. Ticketmaster sucks, no doubt about it, but it's separate from the fact remains that an artist can only perform so many shows per year, and that means there are only so many tickets.

So, yes, break up their shitty monopoly. It'll help venues, it'll help less famous artists, it'll probably help regular fans of less famous artists.

But it won't make Taylor Swift tickets easier to get or cheaper.


dtmfadvice t1_j4w8344 wrote

Sorry for your loss. As others have said, most police stations and CVS pharmacies have unused medication disposal stations.

If those aren't convenient, you can do what my family did when my father passed and just open the bottles and dump the pills in the trash with coffee grounds/food scraps/kitty litter/anything that would make them gross and unusable.

The thing to avoid is flushing them, because they'll go straight into the water supply.