
djr7 t1_jebx99q wrote

limited ammo mechanic?

you mean reloading?

having limited resources is not a mechanic, that's more of a feature.

either way it just sounds like the game isn't for you


djr7 t1_jebvti7 wrote

Reply to comment by HolokaustT in Nintendo low budget? by HolokaustT

holy shit you are all over the place

I suggest seeing a doctor cuz there is definitely something wrong with you're thought process

also no nintendo isn't dead last in anything, have you not seen their earnings?


djr7 t1_je42bch wrote

Reply to comment by HolokaustT in Nintendo low budget? by HolokaustT

> there’s layers in texture work switch has it on few games

what is that suppose to even mean. Are you able to describe this or?

There is something inheritently wrong with your logic here... you can't fault me for not know the switch's best graphic game BECAUSE i'm a nintendo fanatic? Not only does that make no sense but it isn't even relevant to this conversation. Did you read any of my comment? do you aphasia or some other mental disorder here?


djr7 t1_je3eday wrote

Reply to comment by HolokaustT in Nintendo low budget? by HolokaustT

hold up... you're conclusion is to tell me to do your research for you? bruh that's not how it works.

"there is layers graphically in other games but switch games have no layers"

what on earth are you talking about? what you just said isn't even a thing. You just made that up.

"I could go on all day about how much lower effort they are but that is one."

You're voice acting point isn't even a valid argument, an easy counter point is that most Nintendo IP were made wayyyy back when voice acting wasn't even a thing, obviously we're not going to just make Mario,Link,Samus or Kirby just start talking out of nowhere. Not having VA doesn't dimish any effort that went into actually making a game.

here. go watch this

Educate yourself on something you probly had no idea even existed. Instead of looking at nintendo hardware and thinking their games have no effort, maybe try watching and learning the behind the scenes info of how these games are made.


djr7 t1_je2ah6d wrote

"Nintendo seems to put less effort in their games"

well that's just straight up false. I'm actually curious as to how you came up with that conclusion.


djr7 t1_jaer4w3 wrote

how you personally feel is kinda irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

why remake a 14 year old game from a literally "dead" franchise? It's pretty obvious, a remake brings in NEW fans and hardcore fans alike to reinvigorate the franchise in hopes of continuing the series. Also the fact that the original game is like 14 years old and the remake is fantastic.


djr7 t1_ja7fqgs wrote

"I feel like if this was more of a focus we would be at a place right now with graphics that could really look real."
we have already attained that sense of realism, you see it in film, but the tech required for it is incredibly demanding