
descartes_blanche t1_jcdrs8n wrote

I never said I believed that "a city" school was the same as a HoCo school, just like white students were not the minority at Long Reach when you claim to have graduated (98?). Additionally, Columbia was planned in the 60s since it was founded in '69.

HoCo schools are good because they were built with diversity in mind. Since they all served diverse socio-economic communities, sharing and allocating resources across the county actually took place and there's not really any bad schools.

Therefore, it's apparent that OP feels that an education received at any Columbia school is relatively equal, and wants to factor in diversity into their choice of school, as another family might factor in athletics and another theater.

You coming out against considering diversity, then claiming to be a white minority using anecdotal evidence kind of illustrates a certain kind of thinking that this family is probably hoping to avoid.

I would recommend Hammond


descartes_blanche t1_ittvf8t wrote

I mean, Columbia is literally a development project lol, so I am right there with you.

Columbia made it as a development because of mixed income housing, which strengthened the community for generations. I'd like to see a Rouse-like approach for the 21st century, rather than copying the copycats in the way we've seen so far