
cmde44 t1_j8wjquv wrote

Nope! They just put the diagnostic equipment behind programming paywalls that's only accessible to JD techs. Even if you could diagnose the problem without hooking to the machine electronically, you wouldn't be able to reprogram or finalize the fix once it was completed.

All of this was to make sure John Deere made the money on repairs using their techs and their parts. My company uses older series JD tractors (80's and 90's) and they are very easy to work on and not very electronic component heavy. A fuel pump goes out, we know what that looks like and we just fix it ourselves. Something simple like this might cost me $2,000 to do on my own but would cost $5,000 to have done by the dealership (these aren't real numbers of course).


cmde44 t1_j8wgvhq wrote

You know how you can't replace anything broken on your iPhone anywhere unless it's through an Apple store and it's performed by an Apple tech and costs an arm and a leg? John Deere does the same thing.

What used to be simple / or more basic maintenance work that a farmer could perform on their own is now not possible due to programming and must be performed by the dealership. This is an expense small farms can't take on and have been fighting for quite a while now.

U.S. Congress has been playing around with "right to repair" bills for years now; I believe on was just passed recently in regards to Deere, but it wasn't enough.


cmde44 t1_j84wqcb wrote

>The Aggies have been embroiled in controversy since November, when forward Mike Peake shot and killed a New Mexico student in Albuquerque in what police called a self-defense case after Peake had been lured to the campus. Per the school's statement, Friday's decision to suspend the season is separate from that case.

Not the headline of the story, just wondering if it's normal for students in other parts of the world to carry handguns on campus just in case?