
caphilldcne t1_jeecwuu wrote

Yes. He was running unopposed. Another way to put this is that he’s liked well enough that people didn’t run against him in the primary.

So you want to dismantle the city council? "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." - David Frum.

Do you even hear yourself? I’ve got a better idea - statehood for DC so we don’t have Boebert and the rest of the congressional clown show all in up in our business.


caphilldcne t1_j67e6kw wrote

I like the friends I’ve made here. I have amazing neighbors. People hang out, bbq, relax and do good things. I like working with people that have a cause in life, are committed to helping others. Good food. Walkability. Lots of dogs to pet (yes I ask first). Honestly I cannot imagine living anywhere else. Well, I might try New Orleans one day but DC is amazing.