
brymandog OP t1_ix0tcbv wrote

Reply to comment by ARealVermontar in Vermont Native by brymandog

Hopefully this moment will live rent free in your mind the next time you see Karen yelling at server, waiting in line in traffic to go snowboarding/skiing or the newest development being built in an area you once enjoyed!


brymandog OP t1_ix095b2 wrote

Reply to comment by ARealVermontar in Vermont Native by brymandog

My neighbors who just moved in Texas, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania and 1 from Colorado. Saw the person from Texas and I said, “good morning beautiful day” he looked at me as if it was an insult, didn’t say a word and walked into his apt like I didn’t exist. It doesn’t cost anything to be nice. It took more effort to ignore me …


brymandog OP t1_iwzv1dx wrote

Reply to comment by FunkyOldMayo in Vermont Native by brymandog

This post was a shotgun shell of thoughts this morning after exchanges with my property management and landlord in Waterbury. I’ve lived in my apartment since 2017. My rent was $1450 a month. The building has been sold 3 times in the past 4 years. They now want me to sign a lease for $2000 a month with nothing included. The property management company will not give me the number to the landlord to speak with them directly to inform them I will move out, but I can’t find a place to live by December 1st. I asked to pay the 2000 a month until I find a place to live. They said they won’t work with me unless I sign up for a year. I found out that husband was completely was willing to give us some time to move out, but the wife was not. They don’t live on Vermont they are from Massachusetts. This scenario is what this post derived from