
bigtuna732 t1_j8segm2 wrote

I work downtown most days and I’ve seen a skinny dude do this before scream and yell at people I’m sure he’s got mental issues …I’ve also seen people piss and shit right on the side of the roads no fucks given down chapel close to state street


bigtuna732 t1_j7z06s7 wrote

As an electrician I always took work from my company .. They worked with a commercial builder he would give me all of his smaller jobs another residential builder did the same thing hooked me up….. side jobs were the best that’s where you made your money because your boss at your real company was a cheap fuck …lol


bigtuna732 t1_j7ra2r1 wrote

I have an app called meteoractive you can see when all the meteor showers are coming and best times to see a shit ton of shooting stars …. Another app good to have is skyview I do the free lite version it tells you what stars and planets your looking at up there .


bigtuna732 t1_j5h2ac0 wrote

Reply to Despicable by KermitThrush

A man should use his strength and force to fuck him up his ass see if he fuckin likes it … fuckin scumbag mother fucker !!!


bigtuna732 t1_iwss8k4 wrote

New Haven is very diverse …there’s gateway community college downtown as well you’ll fit right in with no problem plus there’s plenty of restaurants if you still want to be a line cook …. Good luck !!