
axonxorz t1_j9wukiq wrote

We've got one in Canada in the same vein in the past few days. Oh man does the timing of people coming out of the smoke to criticize their own care seem suspect, given the political climate south of us.

And you're right about bigots, they're always completely incapable of parsing their own frequency bias. For each person like Cole, there tens of thousands of people who enjoy their gender-affirming care. But yes, let's focus on a random person's grievance.


axonxorz t1_j9gl4zl wrote

> Anyone who worked in and cared about customer service would have seen the downfall of it immediately.

Therein lies the problem. In my experience, purveyors of these metrics programs are massively removed from the actual work and have such a weird abstract notion of it that they can't put themselves in both their employee's and customer's shoes to see that everyone hates this but you.

You talk about different tasks having wildly different scope. At the C-Suite level, every task your org performs is a cog or a widget or an itemized process, and the inability to discard that mindset leads to this BS.


axonxorz t1_j9gfvy6 wrote

> Far too much of it is impossible to track or standardize time frames for, such as aiding customers in finding things or cashiering.

For the very little guy sure, but bet your ass that Walmart and others absolutely do this. How many retailers are left that are not under an umbrella of a megacorp?

Case in point: Target. They have(had?) specific second-scale timing for cashiers. 8 seconds to scan an item, with additonal time "granted" for larger items. Then more time-accounting for the customer payment phase (Hope granny had her change ready, or you're getting a flag). And in response, you have forum post after forum post of employees trying to figure out the best way to game the system so they don't get flagged for a slow customer ('cause it's the cashier's fault) like starting card payment and cancelling before choosing another, or voiding an item to scan it again to buy another 8-second window.


axonxorz t1_j98pbqk wrote

And multiple uses as cable. Woven into cohesive fibres that are further woven into fabric or "rope"/cable, the traditional usage. Extremely low electrical resistance means collercial scale production could lead to lower cost conductors for megavolt-scale transmission


axonxorz t1_j6l3z08 wrote

> Sure but even chinese companies that interact with american/western companies wont be able to hire them.

There are a billion people in China. If we were to assume they had half the rate of business ownership as the US, there are somewhere in the realm of 12 MILLION enterprises. That's a massive number. The majority of those are tiny, and will never have to interact with the Fed, or any Western company in any way whatsoever. It's massively Americentric to think otherwise.

> Eventually ccp has to hire them and how many can ccp support?

Up to and including literally every single worker, based on how big enterprise is legislated with regards to it's CCP "relationship"


axonxorz t1_j55tlnq wrote

You must not work with users often.

In the case of the accidental Hawaii missile alert, it was very poor UI to have basically hyperlinks almost beside each other for "drill" and "not a drill". But then

>Still, there is a second confirmation page as a safety measure, asking if the employee is sure they want to send the alert, which they also mistakenly pressed “yes” on.

I once had a user use their Outlook trash bin as their filing cabinet. Then she went to "file" some messages from her inbox without realizing she was already in the trash. Outlook pops up a warning saying that the messages will be irrecoverably deleted, she press "yes", then when she called me in a panic and I said "the computer did exactly what you told it to do", she told me "well what are you guys even here for"


axonxorz t1_j1zxjbw wrote

Since the start of the war, all the Putinites are all over "but the ruble is the strongest it's ever been"

Then I say, please show me an FX trade you've made at that rate.


Moscow doesn't even inform the bot farms of the whole picture. Can't risk have the rubes learning how to trade like the rich.


axonxorz t1_iwwb7p8 wrote

> Did you actually take my comment as a complaint instead of just pointing out your hypocrisy?

I don't believe there's hypocracy in my statement, you were being antagonistic, and I got up in your ass for it, they didn't seem to be.

I insinuated that the other person might have been on your side of this argument, and you're pushing them away by "getting up their ass".

Look, if they were indeed just JAQ'ing off, your response is what I would have done, but the top level comment they made seemed at least open to consideration of opposing viewpoints, and their post history was not that of a hardline cop-fellating chud.


axonxorz t1_iwvw4a6 wrote

> Was you getting up in my ass suppose to help?

Boo hoo, criticism of what you wrote.

The other poster appeared willing to accept that the "facts" presented by the police report may not have been factual. If someone can't even ask the question, I don't know what to tell you, they didn't appear to be JAQing off.


axonxorz t1_iu5mvu4 wrote

Dunno how calling you out twice about whataboutism means I hate Europeans, but you continue on the springboard I guess.

You've framed your argument above as if acknowledging that Canada did bad means we are inherently ignoring other times the same bad has been done by someone else. Your coming in to point out that "handy fact" is why it's whataboutism, nobody in this thread said "and everybody else was a saint", as you are implying.
