
axm92 t1_j6uf2a7 wrote

Ah I see, thanks for clarifying. I see your point, but I wouldn't say that the prompts require an extensive knowledge of the test set. After all:

> As an example, for the ~10 math reasoning datasets used in PaL, identical prompts were used (same prompt for all datasets, without changing anything).


Notably, take a look at the section on GSM-hard (4.1). You may also enjoy the analysis in the new version of the paper (Section 6:


Further, "Let's think step by step" is outperformed by "Write Python code to solve this." We'll add the numbers in the next version, but if you are interested please lmk and I can share the results earlier.

Thanks again for reading our work and sharing your feedback, I really appreciate it.


axm92 t1_j6tw995 wrote

Thanks! Can you please clarify what do you mean by prompts are specific to the datasets for PaL?


As an example, for the ~10 math reasoning datasets used in PaL, identical prompts were used (same prompt for all datasets, without changing anything). The prompts/code is also open sourced at if you want to check if out!

Incidentally, the idea that Python programs lead to faithful reasoning chains was used in PaL to create a new split of GSM, called GSM-hard. GSM-hard is available on huggingface.


(I'm a co-author of the PaL paper. )


axm92 t1_j5b2ug8 wrote

I’m not sure if I understand you, but you can generate these graphs over long documents, and then run a GNN.

For creating graphs over long documents, one trick I’ve used in my past papers is to create a graph per 3 paragraphs, and then merge these graphs (by fusing similar nodes).


axm92 t1_j57jfrk wrote

>My use case is more classification of datapoints(containing many seemingly unimportant features that may or may not have some relationship to each other. Relationships that are captured in the knowledge graph

Sounds eerily close to one of our paper:

To solve commonsense reasoning questions, we first generate a graph that can capture relationship between entities in the question (if you're thinking "chain-of-thought" prompting--yes, the idea is similar). Then, we jointly train a mixture-of-experts model with a classifier (RoBERTa) to do three things: i) learn to discard useless nodes, ii) pool node representations from useful nodes into a single graph embedding, and iii) classify using question + graph embeddings.


This video may give a good TLDR too.