
arochains1231 t1_jeaq0zu wrote

It works pretty well for me! The only times it consistently struggles to recognize my face is if I'm laying down sideways or if I'm doing something like eating, other than that it's nearly flawless.

Bonus is if you have an Apple Watch and you're wearing a mask, the watch can unlock the phone even with your face covered. Super convenient when I'm out in public and don't want to remove the mask every time to unlock my phone.


arochains1231 t1_j1y5v0x wrote

Just hit the 3-year mark on my 2nd gen AirPods and they're doing fine! They're obviously a little scuffed and don't look brand new but idrc about how they look as long as they work.

The only downside to them being older is that the battery life isn't quite as good as when they were new but they've never died on me before so I'll keep on using them.


arochains1231 t1_j1n1dgl wrote

I think it definitely depends on each person and their usage. I upgrade every 4 years but I know some people who will hold onto phones that are practically begging to be replaced because "it still works". I don't think most people should be upgrading every year though, the improvements are too marginal to be worth the money.


arochains1231 t1_j1brrvn wrote

Most likely due to an old/degraded battery. The easiest way to check how degraded your battery health is is to go into Settings->Battery->Battery Health & Charging (here's a guide if it helps). If the percent shown any lower than 80% you should probably get the battery replaced to prevent it from happening again, or the whole phone if it's really old.


arochains1231 t1_ixgfmer wrote

My 6s Plus lasted for 4 years before I got my 11 Pro Max which is my current phone. I would have kept the 6s Plus for longer but the issues with it kept stacking up (bad battery even with a replacement, camera making clicking sounds and not focusing, constant app crashing, headphone jack being very touch-and-go, and much more) so eventually I had to pull the plug and get this thing. I'll probably keep this current phone until it hits the 4 year mark as well just for consistency.