
anniecoleptic t1_j2z1v6j wrote

Reply to comment by Emu_Fast in Never Not Beautiful by islandinthecold

It's gorgeous out here, but house prices have shot up in the last several years, plus houses are scarce in general due to the Navy bases having more people stationed there than they have housing available, so the military families have taken nearabout all the civilian housing in the area -- at least on north Whidbey. Who knows though, you could get lucky. It's worth a shot!


anniecoleptic t1_j2623h8 wrote

There's Colonial Creek Campground on the shores of Diablo Lake. We've stayed there a few times (and we consider it a "fancier" campground since it has water spigots and flush toilets; we usually camp where there's only vault toilets and we have to pack in our own water). Also around an hour east of Diablo Lake and on the other side of the pass is Winthrop, a cute Western themed town.