
aister t1_jedpmc4 wrote

if NATO was a normal economic bloc, then yes. But it is a mutual defense block. Turkey is pretty much forced to defend Finland, or any other members of NATO, if they are attacked. Turkey, as well as any other countries in NATO, have to be OK with sending their weapons, ammunition, and most importantly, soldiers to defend Finland, as well as other new applicants and current members.

I hate the fact that Turkey and Hungary is holding up the process, but it is a process I wholeheartedly agree to.


aister t1_jdz81a9 wrote

Want more fun facts? Ukraine could not join NATO with an ongoing conflict. At the time, they already fought against the seperatists in Donetsk, as well as having Crimea occupied by Russia. The only way Ukraine could join NATO is to either win against the separatists, reunite Crimea, or forfeit those teritories.

All Putin had to do is to play a long game, keep on pumping money and weapon to the separatists, and he would achieve even more than what he's got right now.


aister t1_jdz7jnp wrote

1923? I would just close the paper, buy some more stock with all of my money, fully expecting to make 5x the amount in 5 years or even more. The world is peaceful, we're in the golden era, there will be no more war. I mean, they just went through THE world war that was so devastating, there is no way they would go into another world war.


aister t1_j0nz53t wrote

The UN is doing wat it is meant to do: provide a space for nations to talk, deescalate and provide humanitarian aids. It is not and has never been to keep peace or to deter nations from waging wars. The reason why League of Nations, its predecessor, failed, was exactly becuz they tried to do that. And wat happened in the end? Germany stopped caring and Japan walked out, and nothing was prevented at all.

I mean, the best UN could do is to throw strong words at Russia, anything else like economic sanctions can be done and has been done by nations that want to already. The only thing left is a direct military intervention, which the US will not do anyway.