
agjios t1_j25s72k wrote

Again, look at ANY of the links that I posted. Specifically, the sanctions that have started to be put in place since the beginning of this year were done so in order to sink the Russian GDP and increase the ruble's inflation. When every single government and organization that has collectively led these sanctions has explicitly stated that they did so in order to decrease the Russian GDP by double what it has seen and attempt to cause double/triple the level of inflation that Russia has experienced, that's great that it's crippling Russia but if we can't be honest about the results we're experiencing through our actions, then we can't effictively fight these battles against Russia. There's no value in parading around with blinders on in celebration instead of admitting that our actions haven't had the expected results and going back to the drawing board.


agjios t1_j21xk94 wrote

Your claim of what the sanction was for is counter to what the US administration, the US Department of Treasury, and the US Department of State have all explicitly stated. And what all US allies that have also gone in on sanctioning Russia have stated. I’m inclined to believe them over you.

The various US officials are all frustrated because they enacted these sanctions based on the Intel and the forecasts that the Russian GDP would shrink significantly more than it has and that the Russian currency would experience much greater inflation than it has. Russia has unfortunately defied expectations and has been measurably successful in countering what the sanctions have attempted to do.


agjios t1_j21h1z3 wrote


agjios t1_j20eglz wrote

According to all of the parties that imposed the sanctions as well as their various advisors, lol. Primarily the US and the US Treasury. Seriously, not only did I link a completely unbiased article, but it even has links and sources. Again, at least PRETEND to consider the situation instead of blindly parading around and avoiding any inconvenient news.


agjios t1_j207j78 wrote

Again, read my article. It’s from fucking NPR, this isn’t like I’m posting a celebratory article from the Russian state media.

Sanctions WERE SUPPOSED to have an immediate affect by crippling Russia’s GDP and leading to rampant inflation. The Russian economy has resisted the immediate expected and planned effects of the sanctions. So while there will be long term effects, the sanctions were put in place because they were SUPPOSED to have immediate effects. They have failed to do so.

I know that it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable to hear this news, but refusing to face the truth isn’t going to help anything.


agjios t1_j1z3d4z wrote

“Starting to have an impact” means that sanctions AREN’T working. Here is a counterpoint article. Don’t get me wrong, the sanctions should stay in place and we should continue to squeeze Russia for their illegal war, their rampant war crimes, etc. But we are coming up on a year of them being isolated and they aren’t feeling any immediate effects. They will eventually see the effects because future industry will be hurt, plus the brain drain of so many escaping. But Russia has trained for this and is still able to produce and fight.
