
Zxruv t1_j3nktic wrote

When conceptualizing spacetime does the sheet only represent a "slice" of spacetime in the analog? If so, could you take the same concept and represent it as a weighted sphere embedded in a large sponge, with the sphere causing the sponge to sag? The sponge would sag more in the immediate area of the sphere and less so as you move away from the sphere?


Zxruv t1_j0wx03r wrote

I think it would create shock in the scientific community, and institutions that are created around the scientific community, but it wouldn't create culture shock.

If moss was found on some exoplanet for instance, the scientific community would be very excited. Meanwhile, most (I'm guessing here obviously) people wouldn't realize how big of a deal that is, or might wonder "why we spend so much money to find moss". That's not a judgement on anybody, but I do think a lot of people would fall into that category. I think it would be the same if we detected breathable air.

If you want culture shock, you'll have find and invite a little green man aboard the ISS and somehow convince people that it's authentic.