
Xw5838 t1_j981yy0 wrote

Just like William Colby with bacterial immunotherapy before it even had a name. Ignored then vindicated.

And back in the 70's Pauling found that intravenous Vitamin C significantly extended the lifespans of cancer patients in studies.

The Mayo Clinic in a fake attempt to "replicate" the findings only used the pill version of Vitamin C in their own study to the tune of around 10 grams. The results were negative and they crowed that Vitamin C doesn't work. And that was that.

Other researchers though who properly replicated the findings got positive results.

Now the science behind it is that Vitamin C produces Hydrogen Peroxide in cancer cells which basically shreds them via oxidation because they don't have as much catalase in them like normal cells which neutralizes the H202.

As for why doctors don't prescribe it to all cancer patients. It's obvious. Vitamin C can't be patented. So there's no money in it.


Xw5838 t1_iy5djxg wrote

After a long enough period of time epigenetic changes get transferred to the genetic code of an organism, so it does change. So, Lamarck was right.

Also pretending that inherited epigenetic changes don't count because they don't change one's DNA is playing linguistic games to avoid conceding that you're wrong.

And it's peculiar that there's resistance to simply admitting that he was right. Because it's one of the most logical things nature would do.

Environmental adaptations being passed on to future generations would increase an organisms evolutionary fitness. Which makes far more sense than the illogical notion of random mutations being created and hoping that one is the right one.


Xw5838 t1_itmf3ek wrote

There are hundreds of stars within a few hundred light years of earth with stars that are as old if not older than our sun.

Also interstellar travel only seems difficult to a planet bound civilization that has to depend on primitive rockets. Just like oceanic travel seemed difficult to people who only had canoes.


Xw5838 t1_ithe6iu wrote

Signatures of alien technology like say....odd objects flying in formation or separately around military and civilian aircraft?

Which they've been doing for decades.

Those sorts of signatures of alien technology?


An odd acting object that enters the solar system that gets immediately classified by astronomers as an asteroid or comet even though it doesn't really look like or act like either?

And when someone mentions that it could possibly be alien technology they get mocked and denigrated.

So the problem with the "signatures of alien technology" idea being taken seriously is that apparently in the absence of a flashing neon sign saying, "hey guys this is alien technology" astronomers and other scientists and others due to the fear of ostracism etc...will immediately classify everything as a naturally occurring object making it impossible to study even the possibility of observing alien technology.


Xw5838 t1_irzvafi wrote

That's literally been known for thousands of years by most of the world though. It's just Europeans & Americans that have denied it because they're traditionally slow on the uptake for historically simple medical solutions and also they'd rather use stainless steel on surfaces because it's cheaper.


Xw5838 t1_ir2eehk wrote

Always interesting when people mention this not realizing that Europe literally only developed to the level that they did because of the tech they received from China by way of the Mongols and Arab civilizations who both invaded Europe. Without which they would have remained a backwards continent for centuries longer.

Tech such as Guns and Gunpowder


The printing press

The wheelbarrow

The compass