
Whane17 t1_j9noxze wrote

Not disagreeing with any part of what your laying down. I understand and mostly agree. I do want to add YMMV though up here in Canada (at least in Alberta) pumps are required to be checked for new flow valves every 3 months, fuel levels in ground checked daily, and outflow inspection done daily as well so it should (should being the operative word) get caught real fast if there's an issue :P


Whane17 t1_j9ey2fm wrote

As a heavy gamer for the last 20years with a thousand of games on my Steam account alone I can honestly say if your relationship comes crashing down over a single save file it wasn't going to make it anyway.

Over the years my girls done me dirty a few times by accident and that's the thing to remember. An accident can't undo the love you had unless it wasn't real in the first place.


Whane17 t1_j9ex85d wrote

That's actually interesting, I'd look into this as you may have been taken for 80$. I worked at a gas station (ran it as manager) for over a year, the nozzles have a break point on them and just snap back on pretty simply because of how often it happens. I can't say for sure because I don't know where you are or how things are there, but I can say here we just used to snap em back on and continue with the day.


Whane17 t1_j9acw19 wrote

Soooooooo, both these things have happened to me, my girl suffers from motion sickness and long drives are rough. I saw it coming before she did and handed her a bag she proceeded to look at me and then her eyes went saucer plate big and it went EVERYWHERE. She projectile vomits past my face against the driver side window, fills the little cup where the door handle is, splashes across my lap and fills the center console cup holder then opens her door and proceeds to continue filling things that hold liquid on her side of the car. It was a very bad no good rotten day. She did pay to have my car detailed though and I did care far more about how she was feeling then about my car.

I have an oral fixation, I'm a large guy down there and my girl is not a large girl. She can't take it but knows I love getting it (big surprise right?). She often pushes herself but can't get more then half of it in her mouth I dream of the day she gets it all the way down there but logically I know it will never happen. She often gags herself and has on more then one occasion vomited into her mouth while trying to force herself (which ends things, she tends to want to keep trying but I care more for her comfort then she does).

The important thing to take away is that you have a keeper. He cares more about you then anything else and none of the rest matters. I'm happy to know you got yours :) <3 for you guys!


Whane17 t1_j9abyub wrote

Screw that! Enjoy yourself every moment you can, not every moment in life is joyful and you should be greedy when you can. Fact is life can be a PITA and nobody around you who matters is EVER going to take anything but joy from your joy. If somebody doesn't like it they shouldn't be there.

Live, love, laugh, you'll live longer and be a heck of a lot happier then us old grumps. My SO identifies as a "little" she is the brightest point in my life and making her so happy she squees is my biggest joy in that life. Don't ever let anybody take your squees.