
Wertyui09070 t1_ixmgl33 wrote

They don't all offer one and some offer you terms for the winter months or they stretch it over a year.

I was quoted 750 a month starting in September for 5$/ a gallon heating oil, ending in May. Last year we paid 250 a month for the year.

Again, these prices are crazy but perhaps a new normal, so you're going to get a lot of smartass answers.

Find a kerosene buying group in your area is a piece of advice I haven't followed yet but plan to as I'm close to needing another delivery.

If you want help from the state, fill out the online app. Be aware that if you need to call, it'll be a 2 hour wait at least, most days. I've been 75th, 49th, and 86th in line the last three times I had questions.


Wertyui09070 t1_ixhfr7e wrote

My real life encounters are changing from denial to financial concerns over the plan. Who's profiting? Will it work? Paper straws won't save the world, etc.

Decent concerns to have, but they could have had a seat at the table.