
Vexonte t1_jdlwetv wrote

Atlas shrugged. Don't get me wrong the Philosophy it was spouting was wrong but most if its societal criticisms were on the nose. I was working for a company with heavy ties to the government with alot of humanitarian ideals mixed into its "education". I was reading this book and it was describing my upper management perfectly. The two parts that really stuck with me was the train wreck scene and rule breaker monologue because I've seen both of those dynamics in full effect in real life at the time I was reading that book.


Vexonte t1_j5szayd wrote

I have a steel trap memory, but I will keep a phone near by to look up words i haven't seen before. I either read non fiction in the same dedicated reading time or i keep non fiction by my side when I have an inconsistent work tempo and I don't know if the break in the action will last 5 min or 2 hours.