
Valant0324 t1_j1zstjh wrote

>The sanctions havent done squat since the start of the war


I mean, I really don't understand how you people try making such ludicrous claims.

Like, we literally have the following break down you could try to read: /en/infographics/impact-sanctions-russian-economy/

There are two kinds of ignorance. Willful and unwilful. Which are you?


Valant0324 t1_iybkh60 wrote

>no. it’s not sarcasm. i know more hateful liberals than conservatives lol

>we really have to stop assuming there’s a good and bad team when evil (for lack of a better word) exists across the spectrum


You don't know enough liberals who will placate to your ludicrous "perspective".

Not to mention, mass shooters are NEVER liberal. They are mostly white conservative young men.