
ThatFireEmblemGeek t1_iwmdjmn wrote

I had always known there was something strange about me. Yes, garlic allergies existed. Yes, churches were often places of questionable hygiene. But my canine teeth should NOT be this pointy, and I should NOT sunburn this easily. I had cut my lip by simply putting the most minute amount of pressure on it.

“Alyssa! Can you come down here, please?” My mom asked. I trudged downstairs, my mind racing with confusion. What did I do wrong? Did my school call home? Did I get a bad grade? Did I forget to do some chores?

My mom and dad were sitting on the couch, expressions ridden with shame. I tilted my head.

“Mom? Dad? What’s going on?” I asked. Mom turned away from me.

“Sweetie… we have something to tell you.” Dad said. Mom took a ragged deep breath, her eyes red from crying.

“Before I have met your father… I had another husband. He was just like you- pale, high allergies to garlic, trouble breathing in churches. I found out… I… found out…” her eyes sprung with tears again. “I found out he was a vampire… when the hunters came. I swore to love him no matter what. We spent years traveling and traveling to get away from the hunters, and we had a daughter. That daughter… is you.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My dad wasn’t actually my dad? My biological dad… was a vampire?

“Then… where is he now?” I asked. “Did…”

“The vampire hunters killed him.” Mom choked out. “They murdered him, and- and they were going to kill you! So… I ran away to where we live now. Alyssa… you’re half-vampire. And you just turned thirteen, so that is the age where your vampire powers will blossom.”

I got up from the seat, tears threatening to spring to my eyes. “Why… why didn’t you tell me earlier? Why did you lie to me all of these years?!” I spat out.

“We didn’t want the wrong people to find out…” Dad frowned.

“Like me?! I was the wrong person to know about my own heritage?” I snarled.

“Alyssa-“ Mom started.

“NO!” I ran up to my room, running far faster than I intended, and slammed the door behind me.

I was half-vampire… my biological dad is gone…

I thought I knew about myself. I thought I knew who I was.

… I guess I was wrong.