
TelephoneFamous2153 t1_j4o3cmn wrote

Major potential for NCAA violations to be committed.....and of course sexual assault, which runs ramped on college campus....then of course the schools violate Title IX and cover up said criminal acts by having cleaners communicate with the campus police and/or the school's social services that have crisis counselors, sexual assault victim services etc.


TelephoneFamous2153 t1_j4kgpoc wrote

Recruiting staffers for college football programs are often very attractive girls who are students at their respective schools.

Unfortunately, the college athletic programs utilize them for recruiting purposes and handlers of players as well as recruits.

They usually know about all the parties on campus, hook up with the players, recruits, and will even find other girls for recruits to hook up with on their visits.

This stuff goes on at every major school at one point or another.


TelephoneFamous2153 t1_j44wzdy wrote

Hiding behind Title iX while also using Title IX controls to cover up everything. First, school officials will sit down with police investigating...scrub the report so no charges will be filed when sent to the prosecutor's office for review. When they announce no charges will be filed, then they'll pat themselves on the back and keep the kids in school.