
Stickfigurewisdom t1_iznykxf wrote

They had something like indoor plumbing in the Indus Valley as well, centuries ago, but it seems like someone somewhere would’ve done something. We hear stories that you could smell London from miles away, and that if you went to the Louvre you ran a risk of stepping in human poo. But people just kept crapping in buckets? Its madness.


Stickfigurewisdom t1_iznr329 wrote

While I am a fan of humans, nothing illustrates our folly like the centuries it took for us to figure out what to do with our waste. Why did it take so long to bring the toilet to every home? We built thousands of awesome weapons during those ages, but 100 years ago many people were still pooping in buckets. My theory is that the Church had something to do with it.
