
SpectralMagic t1_jebwzis wrote

Considering the news around it, it's probably an important find in the least. There may be significance in either the location it was recovered from or in the rarity/preservation quality of the specimen for it's specific species.

I'm hoping a real archaeological team was able to recover it instead of this kid. Fossils lose a huge majority of their scientific usefulness if you can't pinpoint the location, depth, rock it was found in.

Edit: (Read the article) The fossil is dated to the Jurassic Period. The specimen is rare because of its size(30cm) and beautiful crystallization of the mollusk's buoyancy chamber that occurred during fossillization. Not scientifically rare, but looks nice. Wouldn't doubt it's probably in someone's mansion on display for $30 grand right now


SpectralMagic t1_jdjjhtt wrote

Not entirely related, but something I've caught on to that's interesting to me. Supposedly it is illegal in China to use a pun as your business name, but Chinese food restaurants I've seen in Canada all have generic names that sort of follow this rule whether intentionally or not.

Not trying to be a goose, just looking at correlation cause I have nothing better to do


SpectralMagic t1_jdafh5q wrote

Technically the sun is hotter that it ever has been, and will continue to heat up. Solar flares and other solar phenomenon will continue to be more common and more intense because it ramps up at a square exponent. Though the speed is on astronomical scales and we would never be able to detect a change within thousands of years apart(probably)


SpectralMagic t1_j5vlnsc wrote

I can just imagine some space base with mycelium sprouting out from between the modular wall panels. I think this is a bit unrealistic since mycelium is pretty much always alive, like the whole thing is a seed. So unless you kill it and make it leave behind a husk it's just going to cause trouble.

I'm actually just making a biased opinion/guess here, so I'm certain I'm only half correct, but yea I don't see this being a true solution when other expanding/growing insulation also works


SpectralMagic t1_j2auzzn wrote

The soles of your feet have plenty of blood circulating through them, this combined with our feet's double-water pores and increased amount of pores per cm^2 makes it easier to shed heat through perspiration. Water is incredibly good at temperature regulation because of the energy required to heat and cool it to different states

Our palms and soles have an increased amount of sweat glands to provide greater friction with surfaces, our soles with ~600-700 pores per cm^2.

Edit: can't find a source for the "double water sweat glands", but I recall seeing something about it in a PBS documentary comparing humans to other primates, more specifically how sweating more efficiently may have given us the evolutionary advantage