
SpaceGoonie t1_j8yba98 wrote

When I was a kid I fed a squirrel by hand in my Great Grandma's backyard. I assumed it must be "tame" so I tried to pick it up. It bit a hole right through my finger... I don't think I got a rabies shot for that, after yesterday's Reddit ride I fee like I dodged a bullet.


SpaceGoonie t1_izfzlk8 wrote

I'm not an expert but I would start with what you know.

There are 2 splices covering 250? So, these must be 100' sections. Start at 100' from the upstream. If you find a splice and it's the wrong one go another 100' down. If you don't find a splice count 100' from the downstream end for the most likely spots. That said, the pipe could have been damaged literally anywhere during the backfill.