
SoulCruizer t1_jaash3s wrote

Lmao yeah it was answered though. Comments like these are just obnoxious. 95% of the questions were or have answers the problem usually stems from the show making something seem like a big mystery and it turning out to be a lot less mysterious. Like the explanation for the polar bears


SoulCruizer t1_j9tbup6 wrote

Wtf are you talking about? Why should I care that Mary was married since high school and Ewan had 4 kids. Why the hell is that relevant and why do you care? You’re only confirming what I said prior. stop fixating on celebs personal lives, it’s not healthy.


SoulCruizer t1_j9stsh0 wrote

You must be young or just incredibly unexperienced if you judge complete strangers choices when it comes to their personal relationships. Relationships can be extremely complex and for all you know the relationship could have been ended/ending before the other person came into the picture let alone that Ewan or Mary’s ex’s could have been the problem. Seriously it’s obnoxious and kinda weird to fixate on celebs like this. Who the fuck cares what they do in their personal lives.


SoulCruizer t1_j6m8hq9 wrote

Damn what a different response it’s gotten after coming out. On Reddit it was almost “cool” to shit on it and do the whole “why, no one’s asking for this” or “just watch one of the films” probably a big contribution to why it wasn’t watched by many.


SoulCruizer t1_j6m60ij wrote

Let the mystery be. We don’t get the logistics of how it works but it was absolutely real. Maybe you’re having a different conversation here. My point is that whatever happened isn’t some figment or dream where “it was all in is head” or doesn’t have some tangibility. When he died he was very much transported somewhere and this same place is where the guy who says he’s god was also transported and there’s actually other characters that mention the place. Who knows what it truly is but it very much is real.


SoulCruizer t1_j6lwhgr wrote

Yes but that doesn’t mean it didn’t want people to speculate or have a general interest just that it shouldn’t ruin your enjoyment for not getting a definitive answer. You can still “ask” and “wonder” and people on the show have even talked about what they believed actually happened. Again the whole “let the mystery be” is about being ok without an answer not having an opinion or a take on it.


SoulCruizer t1_iyf12f9 wrote

Wtf it doesn’t push anything. Personality and connection matters not race. Besides Ellie and Sarah don’t look that much alike other than being white. I can guarantee you Joel would feel no difference if their skin color was the same or not unless you want to install implicit bias into a fictional character.


SoulCruizer t1_ixfbr41 wrote

It’s all for karma and attention seeking, It happens all the time. People will jump at the chance to point out the obvious and nab that top spot to say the same thing said a million times like it’s an original thought. What’s funny is they are only generating a discussion that’s keeping these posts coming.