
Sorrymomlol12 t1_itqw18f wrote

This was probably a nicer conclusion to the gerbils life than what my idiot sister did. She had a hamster or gerbil I think (whichever is smaller) and that think would just not die. It was a mean motherfucker that would bite, sleep all day, then run on his squeaky wheel all night and keep her awake. They said they live two years but this thing was pushing 7. So one day, I saw a vine where she SET IT FREE AT THE PARK. I was like SISTER OMG ITS GOING TO DIE IMMEDIATELY. And she was like “no I set him free!” And I was like “if the dog wanted to swim in the ocean you wouldn’t “set it free” your his caretaker until he naturally kicks the can!! Anyway, together us and some friends searched the neighborhood and couldn’t find the poor thing, which probably became a snack for a hawk or something. RIP