
Semifreak t1_jeci8px wrote


It's strange how some commenters (here and elsewhere) don't just express doubt about future positive plans targets, but are almost barking at anything else commented that isn't completely negative and attacking.

I don't know if they are just having a bad day and venting randomly or something else odd going on.

Humans gonna human, I guess.


Semifreak t1_jdrixs5 wrote

Stickers. You stick a thin something on your skin and it works. Stick another sticker behind your ear for audio. I don't know how you do the visual screen, though. Maybe a sticker on the upper part of your nose that projects to your eye? Or just have a physical screen you can hold like phones now or on the wrist.


Semifreak t1_jdd38uw wrote

Could you kindly give me a dumbed down explanation about what the difference between the diffusion and GNN models?

I looked up both definitions but I don't understand them.



Semifreak t1_jd896q5 wrote

Total liberation- which will be the apex of human existence.

This is far in the future after we deal with all the messy transitions. But the way I see it, we work to live and not the other way around. And so when we can live freely without the need to work, we will become free to exist fully.

When some of us were less burdened by physical labor, those few thought about higher things like gravity, relativity, electricity, poetry, philosophy, etc. I don't think the minds of Kant and Kepler could have the opportunity to achieve what they did if they were too busy breaking their backs farming fields from dawn till dusk every single day. And I don't think there is something genetically special about Plato and Descartes. I think if more people 'got comfortable' then we will see more of the human genius shine. This is shown in how many have amazing talents and insights today compared to past generations.

I see that in pets, and in animals in the zoo. The tricks they do is because they got comfortable. So we started to see what they can really do. Who would have thought that a seal can balance a ball on its nose? Or that a parrot could mimic talking? Or how smart pigs are? But in the wild, they are too busy trying to survive.

About meaning: meaning is given. And even with full automation, if someone wants to work, they can. The good thing is that no one is forced to work. How many today dislike their jobs? Look at the popular joke of what is the first thing you'd do if you win the lotter? A very popular answer is "quit my job with a bang!" (as in make a scene of quitting). The amusement in that means there is some truth behind that.

In that future scenario, you don't have to do woodwork or paint in a very specific way to meet a specific deadline to be paid a certain amount to then live your life a little then repeat the cycle. You can just do woodwork or paint unconstrained. How many architects in the world today have a pet project that they can never build because no one will pay them to do it?

The best thing about such a far future scenario is options, options, options. You can do anything while not be forced to do anything. For me, that would be contemplating humanity and thinking about the far edges of the universe. To others, it may be entertainment all day long. Whatever it is, it is total freedom of the mind unshackled by the burden of survival.

Or I may have completely misunderstood your question.


Semifreak t1_j9wu4qw wrote

I don't care at all since I am not important to have anything bout me preserved.

But I can see models trained to mimic philosophers and poets and such. Even if it is just manufactured, it would be interesting to hear what could Descartes thinks of the current model of the universe, how Shakespeare would direct a contemporary movie (or even a sci fi one!), how Socrates would view modern issues, and so on.

Heck, even something more recent. I miss Hitchens rebuttals and speeches. Imagine what and how he would talk about current affairs today.


Semifreak t1_j9fdf9h wrote


We've seen movies where machines 'fear' being unplugged, but that's nonsense. You can tell an AI to erase itself and it would. Why would it have any preference whether or not electricity is moving through its transistors? 'Death' and 'life' are meaningless to artificial machines.


Semifreak t1_j818tqo wrote

Things are certainly looking up. MIT will run a test in 2025 with their 'mini' sized reactor (tiny magnets). ITER in 2035. And there is a third company using plasma instead of magnets I read about but I forget when their test run will be.

Of course it will be decades till actual homes run on actual fusion plants power after a successful 'proof of concept' from at least ITER or maybe MIT, but at least we can know for sure if fusion is doable or not in just a decade or so.

Also, 'decades' is not a long time, really. Nuclear power plants were first suggested in 1941 and the first commercial one started in 1957. I think even skeptics don't have a problem imagining fusion power would be real by 2100. The question is how soon can we get it working- if we can, just to keep an open mind. After all, everything is vaporware till it happens.

Let's just hope governments can streamline the paperwork and fix the crazy, crazy, 'over head' and 'manager' costs to speed things up.There is a SINGLE public toilet in San Fran that is costing 1.7 million USD to build. California's high speed rail costs as much as the International Space Station (which costs its weight in gold due to the cost of delivering something to space).

Today, building a nuclear power plant to take up to 7 years or more and that is because all of the red tapes and permits...

But maybe the public will get excited for fusion once it is proven commercially feasible and pressure lawmakers to get it rolled out faster. After all, it seems the talk about favoring clean energy is growing by the year.


Semifreak t1_j7z455j wrote

Yup, plus where you live still matters in these early stages (for charging).

I read one analyst that expect EVs to reach price parity with ICE in 2025 and the following year EVs would be cheaper than ICE cars.

Even if that prediction is off by a few years, that is still relatively soon.

Heck, NASA and others are experimenting with e-planes now! That's something I haven't even considered. But I guess if you have the density/weight of batteries right, planes can be an option.

Maybe in 100 years there will be no fossil powered vehicles or transport of any type. It is certainly not crazy to entertain such thought seeing what is possible today.

Man, I wish the show Tomorrows World was still on. Check out their episode predicting the future. They nailed it! And the future isn't just constrained to today, so some of the things that are slightly off (but we still have similar ideas to it today) might be possible in the coming years and decades.

Here's the episode for fun. I LOVE seeing old predictions about the future:

That was in 1989 predicting the home of 2020. Imagine what things will be like in another 40 years!


Semifreak t1_j7y9cig wrote

Sure, but as a general view, it seems clean energy is getting support overall. It was only a few decades that some nations wouldn't even have any plans for clean energy at all. There will always be some groups with business incentive to go another direction, but it wouldn't, for example, be the stance o f the US government to say 'the heck with clear energy!' over the span of a decade.

It is my ignorance talking, but I was very pleasantly surprised that even China, India, and African countries are onboard. Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. Maybe articles from decades ago made me doubt 'emerging global economies' would be in on this 'new green pipe dream'.

Exciting times we live in. Heck, I personally know an older neighbor that finally bought a sun-powered light for the front of their house and he can't stop being gobsmacked at the whole thing. "Free light?! No wires?!".

It hits differently just reading about something as opposed of trying it and seeing it for yourself.

Another guy said their next car they'll buy (in half a decade or so) will be electric. That was never thought of to some people just a few short years ago.

Things are happening and happening quickly. I am glad this is a global phenomena as well. Tech progress is becoming more and more ubiquitous. There was a time where the difference in tech between nations was generational. Now the majority of the planet has electricity and half have access to the internet. That is absolutely insane to me.

I talked to people that are now grandparents and some even still middle-aged that told me they remember growing up without electricity at all. Now they all have social media accounts and streaming Netflix shows. One lady showed me how her dishwasher 'talks' to her through her phone telling her it is time to empty the dishes.

That's wild. And all that is within one lifetime or less.


Semifreak t1_j7unmce wrote

bullet points from the article:

  • Renewables’ share of the global power generation mix is forecast to rise from 29 percent in 2022 to 35 percent in 2025.
  • China will account for more than 45 percent of the growth in renewables, followed by the European Union with 15 percent and the United States with 6 percent.
  • Nuclear output will also increase as France completes scheduled maintenance on its nuclear fleet, while new plants come online in Asia.
  • At the same time, global electricity generation from both natural gas and coal is expected to remain flat over the next three years.
  • Still, while coal generation is expected to decline in Europe and the Americas, growth in Asia could partially offset this drop.


Two caveats mentioned:

If China's economy bounces back, they could use more coal.

The other is bottlenecks like Germany reactivating coal power due to the war in Ukrain.


This is great news. I am constantly surprised at how fast and accepted clean energy is. I don't know of a single nation that opposes it. And everyone seems to race on adoption.

I expect big things by 2050.

Go, humans, go!


Semifreak t1_j5yxk7d wrote

I'm constantly surprised by the speed of progress. Things I thought will happen in 2100 will happen in 2050. And things I thought will happen in 2050 are happening in the 2030's.

It is a remarkable thing. And with each innovation, it seems the speed gets faster. Just imagine what A.I and quantum computing can achieve when both mature enough and work together!

"Computer, solve the mysteries of the universe!"

"Computer, find a cure for cancer!"

"Computer, formulate a theory for quantum gravity!"

"Computer, design a space telescope that would but Webb to shame!"


It's an amazing age we live in.


Semifreak t1_j5phgoz wrote

I thought the source would be behind a pay wall, but I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't.

The carbon dating going from a window of a couple of decades to a precise year is nuts!

Everything in the list is, really. The fake 8 day old embryo is insane. I don't even know how they begin to do that.

I always like Webb news. But only space dust was mentioned. I wonder if there is a list of missions/targets for Webb that I can see. I looked but didn't find anything. I was hoping for a schedule or something like that to see what Webb will look at in the coming months and years. Results will still take a long while to be confirmed and published, but I'm just excited about it.

Awesome things all around to look forward to not only for this years but for years to come.

Humans are awesome.


Semifreak OP t1_j4pcuqk wrote

>Researchers have developed a way to use laser light to pull a macroscopic object. Although microscopic optical tractor beams have been demonstrated before, this is one of the first times that laser pulling has been used on larger objects.
>Light contains both energy and momentum that can be used for various types of optical manipulation such as levitation and rotation. Optical tweezers, for example, are commonly used scientific instruments that use laser light to hold and manipulate tiny objects such as atoms or cells. For the last ten years, scientists have been working on a new type of optical manipulation: using laser light to create an optical tractor beam that could pull objects.
>"In previous studies, the light pulling force was too small to pull a macroscopical object," said research team member Lei Wang from QingDao University of Science and Technology in China. "With our new approach, the light pulling force has a much larger amplitude. In fact, it is more than three orders of magnitudes larger than the light pressure used to drive a solar sail, which uses the momentum of photons to exert a small pushing force."


Semifreak t1_iyd3k4l wrote

You make good points.

Generally speaking about voice assistants, I am still waiting for them to actually get smart. Using them now is too frustrating to really have them be my main interaction. This isn't just not understanding simple commands, but the assistant seemingly completely forgets what you are doing after each one sentence.

I've seen company demos/presentation when you can follow up and carry a conversation (saying something like, "no, not that, the other one", or "no, the other video" and the assistant would follow). But when will that be actually available?

Also, I wonder if any of these big voice players already do other things with their tech like work in the medical field. There are some use in auto chat and phone calls for customer support, but are they sharing and learning from each other and these different industries/markets? Or are they fairly isolated to their phones?

At this stage, voice commands are still in the 'look how cool this is' phase. For my self, I only practically use voice for telling my phone to start a timer or add a reminder- and it is a hit or miss that the phone will do it because correcting that i annoying. You still can't talk to it, just blurb out single simple sentences and between each sentence it feels like you are talking to a gold fish that completely starts a new thought/memory per sentence.

Bringing it all back to the topic at hand, I wonder if Amazon will, can, or should expand their voice assistant to other industries and maybe collaborate with other fields.

I want voice to be actually practical and useful than it is today that it would actually want to make users (and actually assist professionals) more than it does now. For now, for everyone around me, using voice is just a novelty.