
Sea_Sand_3622 t1_j2ab599 wrote

Believe it or not, if cuomo was still governor, and he certainly would of won in a landslide except he groomed the wrong state trooper to be another of his daily cock teases, then this project would of opened on Sunday ,New Year’s Day, just like the 2nd Avenue subway did on New Year’s Day 2017.

He would of green lit the union overtime, sharp elbowed the ok on the testing paper work and gotten his teeth whitened for the photo op


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_iz83i1u wrote

Shes made a business decision to move on, 40 years in one spot is a long time, she has the know how to open up a smaller place with cheaper rent downtown or Brooklyn, even west on 9th Avenue, that’s if she’s up to that hassle consuming her life at her age. Let her sell the rights to her name , have some one else work hard opening the place up and she can get a fee as a consultant. Comedy clubs will come and go but that craft will always find a spot for showcasing.


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_iuj2299 wrote

In general, if the house is owned and run by a private company, that landlord will definitely want the apartment to have an individual electric meter , which means the tenant , who could have Section 8/ low income benefits, is responsible for the electric bill, it is not included in the rent. The con Ed bill is in their name, they probably can get help paying that bill from some government program but they’ll get no help from the landlord ;)

I believe all NYHA buildings specifically built for NYHA do not have individual meters . It costs extra to put in the meters.


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_itmft1n wrote

You just don’t get it , “basic “? Install a bathroom while the $250/ tenant is still living there. This apartment was probably in 1940 shit condition because it’s from 1940!!! if not 1920 !!!! The wiring was 60+ years old , no closets , the kitchen cabinets are wood falling apart. The apartment is completely painted with lead paint.
Lucky the whole house wasn’t burnt down in the 1960s and 1970s. Or worse , the city could of foreclosed on it and they would of been running it until it caved in the 1980s and then demolished it and sold to a politically connected developer.


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_itm8nzs wrote

My friend on the upper west side , she was rent stabilized and when the building went coop in the late 1980s , she bought her apartment at the insider price . The older rent controlled husband and wife in the apartment directly below hers did not buy , they stayed at the cheap rent controlled rent . The husband dies in @1996, the wife gets sick in 2002, and moves to New Jersey to live with her daughter, but her grandson jumps into her now empty bed. The managing agent for the original still owner of the apartment take the grandmother to court for non primary. The grandmother via a free legal aid lawyer that the grandson found initially claims he’s in the apartment to help out the grandmother. She’s in outpatient rehab in nj and will be back living in the apartment soon. Then they change the story and he claims succession rights saying he’s been in the apartment for three years , living there and helping his grandmother, there was a trial , he had almost no paper trail to the apartment. 5 residents , including my friend testified that they never saw him and his grandmother together . He had a free legal aid lawyer or some kind of community center low fee cheap lawyer.

You tell me who are the gamers of the system and who represents them for free. A complete waste of court time for this scammer. My friend was a bit reluctant to testify but the grandson was a complete ahole. Everyone in the building hated him. He asked people to testify for him and no one knew who he was. They all knew the grandmother. He was responsible for her leaving to get her bed empty. He was a deadbeat .


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_itlysba wrote

Story one Brooklyn landlord told me ten years ago , that a squatter who jumped into the empty bed of an old rent controlled tenant who had dementia that their legal aid defense was that the 35 year old female squatter had a romantic relationship with the 80 year demented female tenant. Then the legal aid lawyer changed it to .. oops … sorry judge …. They actually have a mother daughter type relationship even though the lawyer and squatter couldn’t tell the court which nursing home the old lady was put into. Took a year for the marshal to come to throw her out .


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_it271gd wrote

Twitter is definitely the way to go … do both , via their website and let them know on twitter , twitter will get a much quicker response especially with photos.

Different scenario but shows the power of twitter, my friend had a package stolen from inside her apartment building. The police did nothing after she filed a report, until she posted a video, that her super had downloaded from the house security cameras, on the local precinct’s twitter page . Then the community affairs police officer immediately reached out to her. The package was not an Amazon box but a package from her mother, with a hand sewn sweater for her birthday inside. The guy who stole it was a doordash delivery guy. She never got the sweater back but doordash gave her $250 but at first they gave her the runaround too.


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_isgj7ai wrote

To the governor … what vetting did you rely on when choosing your previous lt. governor?

To the lt. governor … when the governor was appointed due to the resignation of the previous governor … in less than a month after being sworn in ,she was quickly able to raise more than $10 million dollars in campaign money …. would you be able to do the same thing, quickly raise $10 million, if she somehow resigns and you became the New Democrat governor?


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_irm6uis wrote

The one pipe system is very inefficient but if you want to be warm throughout the winter season until the end of April, then leave the valve fully open. You can always open the window, use the ac or a fan. The landlord controls the boiler , you control the window.

The valve has to be either fully open, keep turning it counterclockwise until it stops turning. Or fully closed, keep turning clockwise until it stops turning .

If it’s fully closed and you hear banging noise , then your neighbor above or below your apartment, has their valve partially open.

The landlord would like to do away with the inefficient boiler,,especially with the price of fuel having gone way up. He wants to replace the boiler with a more efficient individual electric unit inside every apartment that you would control, like in a hotel/motel, but you would pay the electric to use it , he can’t do that because of the rent control laws that govern the rent control tenants in your building.


Sea_Sand_3622 OP t1_irewedb wrote

These two cops will never make another substantial arrest where they would have to testify again in a court room.

JOHN ANNESEOctober 7 at 9:30 AM ET

NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell saved the jobs of two cops who lied on the stand about a gun arrest, arguing that their misconduct happened before the department changed its training on how cops should give testimony, the Daily News has learned. Officers Dornezia Agard and Gesly Jean told a grand jury in October 2016 that they were sitting in an unmarked car in Brooklyn when they saw and heard a man pull a gun from his waistband and throw it under a parked van, according to NYPD disciplinary documents that were recently made public. But Agard was in a separate police vehicle, and rolled up to the scene later, while Jean and other members of their 73rd Precinct Anti-Crime team were in the process of arresting the man. The team wanted to give Agard the Oct. 9 arrest because she was new to the unit, and she signed a criminal complaint saying she was there when the gun was tossed.

Once the deception came to light, the gun charges against the man were dismissed.Agard testified that she saw two men walking on the sidewalk, and when one of them littered, she approached him. “I then seen him remove a dark object from his waistband,” she said, describing the sound as “like a hard metal object that hit the ground.” She said she stopped the man and asked for ID, which he didn’t have, and Jean recovered the gun. Jean also testified that Agard witnessed the gun toss. After an internal disciplinary trial in March, Jeff Adler, the NYPD’s assistant deputy commissioner of trials recommended that both cops be fired. Not only did the officers compromise their ability to testify under oath in future cases, but they tanked what may have been a legitimate arrest, and a man with a loaded gun had his charges dismissed, Adler argued in April.The Brooklyn D.A.’s office has “disclosure letters” it sends out to defense attorneys about the two cops, law enforcement sources said. “When a member of the service deliberately provides false testimony, it not only has consequences for the individual case, as it did here, but it also undermines the public’s trust in its police,” Adler wrote. Agard has been reassigned to the Manhattan courts, Jean to the Bronx courts. Adler didn’t buy the cops’ contentions that they made honest mistakes on the stand, or that Agard used the word ‘I’ in her testimony she really meant to say ‘we.’”“There was no ambiguity in Agard’s account, no indication that she was merely relaying information thaat her team members had provided to her. Rather, she testified with great precision as to her own observations,” Adler wrote. Sewell decided to dock the officers 30 vacation days, and place them on dismissal probation for a year. The commissioner pointed out that the officers’ misconduct happened in 2016.“Since then, the Department has recognized deficiencies in testimony preparation and has instituted new training to properly prepare officers when documenting arrests and testifying at trial,” Sewell wrote. The duo “had been otherwise model officers,” Sewell wrote on June 24. “It is my belief that these officers can continue to be productive members of this department and will continue to serve the community in an exemplary manner.” When asked to elaborate on the new training referred to by Sewell’s letter, and to comment further on her decision, the NYPD’s press office sent The News a link to the “personnel” section of the department’s web site with no further explanation. It also sent, without further commentary, links to the NYPD’s database of disciplinary trial decisions and letters sent out when the commissioner doesn’t go along with a trial decision recommendation. The NYPD press office ignored a question about how many busts Agard and Jean made in the years following the incident. But law enforcement sources provided that information — neither cop has made an arrest since 2017.

Attempts to reach Agard and Jean were unsuccessful.© 2022 New York Daily News


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_iqt1i6s wrote

The surveyor below would know best, from what I understand the city does have a special tax for “a vault” area because it is area protruding past the property line towards the street that the landlord is able to use under the street.

by definition “a vault” is an enclosed area , hence a bank vault. There is no grate for air or daylight in a vault.

Maybe I am wrong;)


Sea_Sand_3622 t1_iqszwa0 wrote

Actuality what the city calls a “vault” wound be covered with cement with no grate, or possibly unbreakable frosted glass tiles on the sidewalk (you don’t see those around too much these days), Maybe still around soho.

It’s possibly a duplex but more likely rented office space or a janitorial area or building management office.