
SSG_SSG_BloodMoon t1_jat4w38 wrote

> Students at College ‘B’ do not know about Wikipedia.

This sentence and every sentence after it are extremely unrealistic.

Wikipedia was already one of the top most popular websites in the world before any of this, and there is just no reason at all that Facebook would be a significant vector of spreading wikipedia.


SSG_SSG_BloodMoon t1_jasub64 wrote

The parts of this chain that connect FB and wikipedia do not ring true to me at all. I absolutely do not think that Wikipedia was a college site and then when FB expanded to the general public, the general public found out about Wikipedia by being connected to college students. No part of that seems true or reasonable to me.


SSG_SSG_BloodMoon t1_jab68ed wrote

At a certain point "devaluing a building" is better than paying taxes on an empty building that no one can do anything profitable with.

Also at a certain point, doing a small amount of wall work and renting out as many huge residential units as there are bathrooms in the building is better than paying taxes on an empty building that no one else can do anything profitable with.

Like you're talking about the renovations being too expensive... Is that a reason to endlessly hold the property, pay taxes on it, and get nothing forever? No. It's a reason to lower your expectations. It's a reason for your asking price to go down until you're back on the demand curve.


SSG_SSG_BloodMoon t1_ja9frlv wrote

It is absolutely financially viable to sell or rent a space that is receiving 0 income otherwise. It's just not what they want.

The places don't need lots of work to turn into apartments. They need lots of work to turn into lots of apartments.

There is a point between "leave it almost as is and rent out as many units as there are existing bathrooms" and an extreme retrofit to maximize the number of units that becomes worth it. The former scenario is still better than getting nothing.