
Rdw72777 t1_ja7kjoz wrote

If they are from a union then they are paid. Of course if the work truly is complete then a union would usually move in to another location to protest. Maybe there’s a larger point to be made against the owner of this location that doesn’t make sense to us outsiders.


Rdw72777 t1_j1kbwe8 wrote

I didn’t even find her creepy, she was just adult-awkward. The broach purchase like 1-2 days after the compliment and mention of the shop was on the line but I don’t think she realized what she was doing with that (though she did with Rocco’s banishment). All in all her character was a bit of a shoulder shrug fir me, but Armond set the bar too damn high (and low) in S1 lol.

The resort seemed so average that I just had to pretend it was not high end so honestly none of the staff behavior even mattered, which I was fine with, but it’s such a huge contrast to S1.


Rdw72777 t1_j1k8xs4 wrote

The issue with that is that she wasn’t particularly hardworking and had barely any interaction with guests. Did any action she was actually shown taking was actually to improve the customer experience? Her barking at both male reception guys, cozying to the female reception person, switching the make reception guys and then switching back, etc were just all based on personal dislike with no regard for guests. Even her own interactions with Imperioli she was standoffish and she was obnoxious to/about Tanya.

Contrast that with season 1 when Armond was all over the place with trying to please customers and get the best out of staff (literally) and then the poor spa manager was essentially Tanya’s unpaid Portia. They really made the S2 resort manager almost useless and not acting in the interests of anyone but herself. In that vein I’m not even sure, after watching S2, what made that hotel experience better than a Hampton Inn except the location; when did anyone at the resort do anything spectacular for guests…arranging for a Vespa or maybe terrible lounge singing…lol?


Rdw72777 t1_j1jtohw wrote

I mean she didn’t fold or fawn to beautiful people, she was forced to accept the escorts because Imperioli made her and he was hardly beautiful. She was quite repulsed by the escorts personally/professionally, until magically she wasn’t, because the girl she was repulsed by acknowledged she was a lesbian and offered her sex when she was at her lowest moment. Recall leading up to that she realized the other front desk attendant she had a crush on didn’t realize she was a lesbian and that it was a date.


Rdw72777 t1_j1j9fl6 wrote

See if it was that I could be more engaged, but we’re supposed to find them diabolical. One manipulated the most dim-Sutter college graduate this side of Stupidville. The other nearly kills someone with random pills and takes his job because she manipulated the hotel manger not so much with sex but being the only person on Earth who figured out she was a lesbian. Every intelligent person who encountered them wasn’t so much mesmerized by their beauty as they were “eh whatever, you’re not worth me turning my brain on for”.

I think my main bother with the non-singer was how transparent her plot was with the pimp. Like when the encountered him on the family trip they all bought into the “I’m trying to protect you” when the older 2 clearly snuffed out the scheme like 2 hours later (maybe it was a day not it was so immediate). They were both so concerned about her not getting in the car with him and then just immediately once money came into the picture they were suddenly not worried about her and figured it all out. Also, it seems kind of unlikely they hadn’t spent near that amount during their week of expensive shopping plus the nightly rates already, which made $50k just seem so…insignificant? Wasn’t the rate $2k per night each and Imperioli had like 3 nights and Albie 1 and then all the shopping, they must have already spent $20k, likely more, on them by the time of the $50k plot even came up.


Rdw72777 t1_j1iga9k wrote

I found the singer to be too pushy and her morals were moved so quickly, she went from kind of not being into the prostitution to doing it really quickly. The other one I just found to be too entitled and everything just kept working out for her. Neither one seemed to suffer any consequences for their actions and they just repeatedly got what they wanted. They had outmaneuvered everyone in a chess match when honestly a mentally deficient farm animal would have nipped their plots in the bud many times throughout the season.


Rdw72777 t1_j1id9vh wrote

She wasn’t the worst part, but she was far from from the best part. She wasn’t given a lot to do/work with, since in the end she and Sharpe (Ethan) had the romantic chemistry of non-incestuous siblings and their whole arc was to simply morph into other already developed characters (Fahy and James as Daphne and Cam) who outshone them in every scene together.


Rdw72777 t1_j1icp6w wrote

I mean if the acting on this season hers was probably actually below average. Meaghann Fahy (Daphne) was probably the best, followed by Leo Woodall (Jack). The rest of the acting kind of is subjective, like Theo James (Cameron) was so hateable is only partly because of acting because he was written to be so dickish. Jennifer Coolidge, you either love her or hate her. The whole DiGrasso family (Imperioli, Abraham, DiMarco) we’re utilized weirdly (except maybe Albie, but his arc was meh) and none really came off as great acting really. I honestly thought Portia was like the 4th best actor in the last few episodes, but was kind of a canvas to explore Albie’s character the first few episodes.

Notice I didn’t mention Plaza (Harper) or Sharon (Ethan), yeah they were just kinda meh, dominated by Fahy and James in almost every scene they were in together. Also meh, the gays, the hotel staff and the escorts.

I think the writing might have been layered better this season, but the acting might have been a bit off from the first season.

Oof did I ramble on lol.


Rdw72777 t1_j1ibgif wrote

I mean I absolutely hated the escorts, but I don’t think there was enough plot without them. I didn’t care for the 3 generations of Albie characters either but it was pretty obvious in the end what the intent was, although for the first few episodes it was just confusing (honestly if you’re a mega millionaire on vacation with family just meet your escorts somewhere that isn’t 20 feet from your family, right?)
