
Ravioverlord t1_j5w49hl wrote

Canon just means accurate to the lore. Be it a movie/show/book/comic ..etc

Non canonical is the opposite, where it hasn't been said/isn't specifically something that happened or was part of the content. Like fan fiction, art, or other forms of narrative not written by the creator/team/group the content came from.

Think of things like star trek. It is canonical that data is an android devoid of emotions. But it is not canon to say he was does feel, if all he has done is learn about the process. Some fanfic will have it so he has a update to his OS that allows it, or similar, and that is not canonical.

Head cannon in relation to it all is a fans own idea of what is true/right in that fandom or setting. Like some have it as a head canon that the characters reality is all a dream during a coma experienced by the protagonist. It may become popular enough that others agree and follow that head canon, but it still isn't canon to the original.


Ravioverlord t1_j4i5mh2 wrote

Gutenberg is my fav way to read, I've had so many books I've found that I'd never stumble upon otherwise. Some really cool old guides to handicraft and stuff are forever saved to my iPad from there.

Also In the Ibook app on iPad you can change settings like screen color/brightness/text size etc. I do the warmer BG that is like a book with lower screen brightness and it helps a lot.


Ravioverlord t1_j1nrhjl wrote

As the other replier said, it mainly happens in countries where women's rights are far less. They don't want women to have any chance at pleasure/control over their sex organs.

Just fyi, you cannot 'tighten' a uterus. That is fully internal.


Ravioverlord t1_iubcwdu wrote

Yup as other said. Even with a visa many countries (including Canada and Australia) will deny entry if sufficient funds aren't found. They actually show this in border force shows on nat geo. It's one of the more common reasons to return a citizen to their country of origin, including obvious illegal work plans, and trafficking of any sort.

A lot of the time it's a red flag that you may be doing something illegal to come and go so fast, as well as if something happened (be it medical emergency, a weather event, or other types of disasters) as they can't be planned for. If you had no money you'd end up a transient in their economy with no help and would strain their economy.