
Qowegishomo t1_j1r8vo5 wrote

Questions you raised in this comment are much more valid. Ship of Theseus, for one, is when this conversation starts getting increasingly interesting and difficult.

I was responding only to the particular things I quoted, which all have clear answers.


Qowegishomo t1_j1qjhtf wrote

>Am I the same person I was yesterday, before going to sleep? How can I be certain of that? If I'm not aware I was dead and woke up in clone, am I still a copy?

This is all just paranoid.

>Am I the same person I was yesterday, before going to sleep

Yes. What happened is that your brain went into a sleep mode. There's still continuity of the neurological processes and physical continuity of your neurons.

>How can I be certain of that

How can you be certain of anything? You could be a brain without body connected to a machine. You could be a completely different life form connected to a computer that simulates your life as a human. These discussions are pointless.

>If I'm not aware I was dead and woke up in clone, am I still a copy?

Yes because you lost the continuity. The neurons that are you died. You are dead. There's a copy of you living.