
ProleAcademy t1_jcb19q5 wrote

Context: the book most in question is Push by Sapphire, from which comes the Oscar-winning movie "Precious".

I read it this week. It's disturbing and explicit in parts, and uses a lot of profanity. It's also deeply empathetic, skillful, artistically necessary and in its own way, therapeutic.

It meets none of the traditional tests for obscenity and has been lauded over the years for a reason - it's unflinchingly honest and very effective at letting survivors of abuse know they are recognized, they are not alone and there is hope for them.

Central York SD was not using it in curriculum, which is for the best, but it was in the high school library until this ban was initiated by a complaint. It should be reinstated, although a content warning provided with it would be appropriate, as arguably would restrictions if parents want to impose them on their own child's library account. But removing it from the library altogether is absurd.


ProleAcademy t1_jbja308 wrote

My understanding is that the uniformity clause of the PA constitution would still need to be amended or repealed. Although I think there's some discussion that you can tax income from different sources (like, for instance, dividends or capital gains income) differently from wage income. That could help but is also a big haul and perhaps easier to cheat than an across-the-board progressive rate scheme across all sources and income brackets.


ProleAcademy t1_jaeoav6 wrote

I make a little over $60K doing a non-teaching job I am very much over, but has good work conditions and understanding supervisors.

I think I could love teaching, and I am considering getting my Level 1 certification but I wonder if I can afford the massive pay cut to deal with a 50% longer workday, constant harassment by Moms for Liberty and an administration that breathes down your neck about how you teach yet won't have your back when you need to discipline or hold back students whose actions require that. All while having to get another master's in five years.

Y'all need teachers in PA but you aren't willing to get them yet. If you aren't willing to a) push for centralized statewide funding that is equal per student and doubles teacher salaries or b) pay way more in property taxes, then you don't really want more teachers and you don't want a more stable, richer society for your children.