
PotatoMurderer t1_iy72rwc wrote

>You said it yourself. It wasn’t “set in stone” if it was renegotiated from 2020 to 2021

You may have misread what I said. What I was trying to say was when the negotiations were taking place, we were given a heads up that it MAY happen to us. But what ended up happening was it was set in 2021 (By Trump), and he set it for when after Biden took office.

>why not this one?

Because it was an Agreement between the US and the Taliban. It was pull out or further escalation from the Taliban because we didn't end up holding our part of the bargain. Coz when I was there, it definitely felt like they at least tried to minimize the rockets in Bagram Airfield, that and I had weeks where I had 0 patients getting flown to the hospital I worked at; where as prior to negotiations and (the actual deal), we were getting rocketed multiple times a day and I was receiving trauma patients a lot. Seems to me that the Taliban at least tried to hold their end of the bargain.

I also never said that it's not on Biden at all. You're acting like it's all on Biden which is dumb coz it's both a fuck up by Trump and Biden. Trump rushed the deal and didn't do anything about it and tried to delay Biden, and Biden didn't really do much about it either after he found out.

Also let's not forget the military's top brass who knew about all of this since day 1 of negotiations.

It's a fuck up by multiple people but you're discounting Trump from all of it which is wrong.


PotatoMurderer t1_iy6qo92 wrote

You know that Trump negotiated and made the deal with the Taliban about the withdrawal right? Which in turn forced Biden to withdraw the troops when he took over coz the deadline was already set in stone. I was in Afghanistan from 2019-2020, and the moment those negotiations took place, we were already told that we were highly likely to be the last deployment rotation. (Except covid happened and the negotiated date was 2021 instead of 2020).

The Trump administration did next to nothing in preparation for leaving Afghanistan. If anything, he probably made it worse coz remember when Trump kept refusing to meet with Biden for a proper hand over? Don't act like Trump had no role in this at all.


PotatoMurderer t1_ir1b40g wrote

> eventually died due to being on a ventilator

Not trying to be a dick, but he was already in really bad shape if he got put on a ventilator. If he was never taken off of it for a long period, his condition was not improving at all and has probably gotten worse over time. Highly doubt it was the ventilator that killed him, unless they massively fucked up when they were intubating him. Sadly, being on a ventilator for an extended period isn't exactly great either.