
ParkieDude t1_j68sbmj wrote

Mine was temporary. Walked into a low-hanging beam, and knocked myself out. Came to, and every time I tried to say something it was gibberish—my name, address, city. The same sound was vocalized, but I knew it wasn't right.

Cleared up after eight hours. Scary.


ParkieDude t1_iyvs0qh wrote

My great grandfather (born in Galway, Ireland, in 1846, came to San Francisco as a child, resided as an adult on 51 Sanchez Street SF, and died in 1907.)

His job in San Francisco was as an undertaker. When business was slow, they made furniture, otherwise coffins.

His daughter, my Grandmother, was born in 1883 and lived in San Francisco. Oh, she had some great stories. Sharp as a tack until she passed away in 1971.


ParkieDude t1_is78wgm wrote

Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease is typically after the person knows "something isn't right" but tries to find out what it is.

A few, upon diagnosis, go into deep despair and do not recover.

Most live in denial for a few years.

Others are "OK, what should I do now."

The last thing anyone wants is a random stranger walking up to them and telling them.