
NowIAmThatGuy t1_j7u3gc1 wrote

I wonder if this new president has any investments in book publishing companies. Someone should check his portfolio to ensure he’s not enriching his investment portfolio by way of directing state funds towards these publishing companies. Also, libraries seem like a low budgetary expense line item. I’m sure there are programs that are more expensive than libraries. Typically athletic programs top the expensive line item at universities. Why not eliminate them if the intent is to save money while preserving the educational integrity of the institution? Just seems fishy.


NowIAmThatGuy t1_j76l2od wrote

I think it’s relevant that any elected official meet certain criteria for the role they are running for. I realize we do have minimal qualifications, but age, citizenship, residency are minimum qualifications. It’s a fine line of creating additional minimums that are relevant to the position while not excluding people or controlling who can be elected. For example, a college age man was elected to a towns tax collector position unseeded an incumbent who was an accountant for years prior to becoming the tax collector. The newly elected guy was not an accountant and was not even finished with his degree. Maybe it’ll be fine, but it’s seems reasonable to require the person to be a CPA or at least a degree in accounting. Again, we must balance these requirements with not excluding people from office.


NowIAmThatGuy t1_j72yj8w wrote

It’s important to get the language right around this issue. There are private schools who receive public funds due to that private school being the only public option for a specific town(s) and therefore does not represent the specific issue being addressed here around a private school receiving public funds since this private school IS the public option for the town(s). There are, and this is the issue, private schools that receive public dollars and are not open to everyone. Those families argue for choice and they receive a voucher. This voucher money draws away from the publicly available education system that is open to all in that area. I would argue this should not be allowed. But the distinction should be made around this issue as to not lump these two separate uses of public dollars together. One is serving a necessary need in a community and is open to all residents. The other is not serving the same need and is a choice.


NowIAmThatGuy t1_j5yeodw wrote

Just to clarify is the duty to run away for the home owner or the intruder? Genuinely asking. My thought, and I’m originally from Texas, was the duty to run away is for the intruder. That you the homeowner must give the intruder an opportunity to run away. Even in Texas it’s generally frowned upon to shoot someone in the back/running away.


NowIAmThatGuy t1_iy4cd2g wrote

This person gets it. Fix your own house before you try and have conversations with others. If conservatives want to be legitimate then confront the racism and fascism in their own party. Otherwise no thank you. I realize not all conservatives are racist fascist, but it’s hard to know. So fix that and I’m happy to listen and share.