
Neckwrecker t1_jcf8u53 wrote

>I live in Queens, the most diverse county in America. My block has people from all over the world, so I don't know what you're implying about "exactly like me". The Chinese, Korean, Azerbaijani, Indian, Russian and Secular Jewish families nearby aren't much like me, never mind "exactly" like me, but yeah, man.

I swear I'm not racist I have neighbors


Neckwrecker t1_j3xei6c wrote

>Is he qualified? Probably not, but there are no strict 'Qualifications' for that office anyway, and he couldn't do worse than some of the folks already in office. Hey, AOC was a Bartender for crying out loud. Let the guy serve. If he is a one termer, so be it.

Being a shameless liar is (morally) disqualifying, holding a working class job is not.


Neckwrecker t1_j1zus3l wrote

>The question is then going to shift to how will it take for crime to reach pre-pandemic levels

And then after that, how long will it take for crime *panic to reach pre-pandemic levels. Because the idiots in here will not stop screaming once it actually goes down.


Neckwrecker t1_iycxnew wrote

>Sodebergh probably fell asleep during the original and missed the point. It’s a classic movie, but man, does Tarkovsky take his time. The scene where they seemingly spend 90 uncut minutes driving through tunnels in Japan hypnotized me and put me to sleep. When I woke up the same driving scene was still going on! > >I still prefer the Tarkovsky but the soundtrack in the Sodebergh version is phenomenal.

I'm gonna be honest, I started nodding off during the original in the 3rd act. I did enjoy it though, I just had to rewatch some of it.


Neckwrecker t1_ivhd9o6 wrote

>"Her husband was taken to jail and received a bail he couldn’t afford. Less than two weeks later, he took his own life.

How is that possible? I have it on good authority from several fucking idiots that every criminal in NYC is given Mets tickets, a Dunkin gift card and then set free.