
Mythosaurus t1_jcmqu5q wrote

> But while the EPA can claim that the levels are “low” from a legal standpoint, the agency’s own science suggests they are not safe, and dioxin experts who spoke with the Guardian cast doubt on Shore’s and Holcomb’s assessments.

I’m picturing that crappy boss Mr. Incredible had at the insurance company.

“Legally I’m required to say that the soil is fine.”


Mythosaurus t1_ja7lj7i wrote

> Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who also has responsibilities over Jewish settlements in the West Bank, quickly said he would not abide by any such agreement.

> "I have no idea what they spoke about or not in Jordan," Smotrich wrote on Twitter. "But one thing I do know: there will not be a freeze on the building and development in settlements, not even for one day (it is under my authority)."

Well then this effort is doomed to fail. The far-right faction that desperately wants to complete the original settler colonial project is going to sabotage this peace deal at all costs.

Israel’s conservatives have allowed the far-right a lot of influence within their coalition in exchange for holding power. And now it’s playing out exactly like everyone else knew it would.


Mythosaurus t1_j7unch0 wrote

Yes that reincarnation cycle happens, but there are also multiple games that follow the same “Link” through different adventures.

  • Link from “Orcarina of Time” goes on to be in “Majora’s Mask”
  • Link from “Wind Waker” is the same guy in “Phantom Hourglass” and “Spirit Tracks”
  • “Link to the Past”, “Oracles series”, and “Links Awakening” have the same Link.
  • Link in BOTW is the same on in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

So the characters in BOTW are the same Link and Zelda we’ll see in Tears of the Kingdom.


Mythosaurus t1_j2fqtod wrote

Listened to the “Revolutions” podcast cover the fall of the Romanovs and rise of the Soviets, and you’re absolutely right.

Most people don’t learn about just how horrible and desperate life was in the Russian Empire, and have this warped view of history where communism just rose up like fascism to haunt Europe.

And when you understand how much effort went into stopping peaceful reforms by the imperial state, you understand how violent revolution became inevitable.


Mythosaurus t1_j24uxof wrote

Bc conservatives think the upper castes are inherently good people who temporarily do a bad thing, while lower castes are inherently bad people the sometimes go against their nature and do a good thing.

It’s why judges feel compelled to give lighter sentences to pedo pastors and police. They always say it will “ruin a good life” as if there is a grander, God-sanctioned narrative that MUST play out.

But send a homeless person stealing a sandwich or a black guy caught with weed into their court! They will trip over their robes in the rush to throw the book at them and “make an example” for the community.


Mythosaurus t1_j1psrys wrote

Bc large empires don’t like to directly declare war on each other, and want to be seen as the defender that is helping a smaller state resist their imperial rival.

And the Balkans are a mix of ethnic groups, religions, and cultures that many Western empires found common causes with. So an empire could turn a proxy war into a hot war if the alliances align just right.


Mythosaurus t1_iwsewmg wrote

Can’t say I’m surprised that a state of the former Confederacyand Jim Crow apartheid is recreating the outcomes of those systems.

These problems will continue to rematerialize until the US fully reckons with its own history and stops the cycle of trauma that it’s addicted to

And a great start would be demolishing that cursed plantation prison at the center of this crisis.