
MasterChief40 t1_j62qywi wrote

Alright so, based on that description (note that the comment isn't actually showing up on the page yet for whatever reason), I'm definitely thinking that it's not a coincidence that they both died of starvation and both started dissociating before death, it could definitely be a coincidence still, but it's highly unlikely at this point, I have a feeling it's some form of hysteria but I could be wrong. what strikes me as odd though is that Susan called social services and they didn't seem to intervene.aybe they are busy, but I'd think that they'd at least send someone to check on Gregory. I could also see it as "Susan" not properly coping with the trauma of seeing Gregory die. At the end of the day something definitely feels off to me about this whole situation, especially with more people hearing noises in the basement, I mean it's probably nothing, but I'd keep an eye on Manny, and be weary, as to me this sounds like it could potentially be the onset of a case of Mass Hysteria. Additionally from the sounds of things "Susan" had existed separately from Susan for some time, as the last time she went to work was before the holidays, indicating that Susan hadn't been to work in the time between the holidays and the torn up drawing of the door (which could be anywhere from no time, to several weeks for all we know) Additionally I find it weird that her entire "base personality" just completely disappeared. Finally from the way it's written it's clear she knows something is wrong in the first paragraph, as though she's looking back on the last month or so before her death, implying that she isn't completely insane.


MasterChief40 t1_j62bibe wrote

It could be dementia, but the timing seems too soon to be dementia, as it can take years for dementia to get to the point where you get so forgetful that you end up down the deepend, not to mention dementia also tends to be more common in older people, so it's unlikely someone in there 30s would have such a severe case of it. Not to mention that Susan wouldn't have be able to keep even remotely accurate time in her journal, as if it truly was a later stage of dementia her sense of time probably would have been non-existent. It definitely could be someone experiencing the early stages of dementia, along with perhaps dissociative identity disorder, but I don't think it was dementia that truly killed her.


MasterChief40 t1_j62aech wrote

Is there any reference to "Gregory" besides in the journal? If Gregory does exist it seems that Gregory and Susan both suffered from similar issues, leading me to suspect that this is some form of hysteria similar to the dancing plague. Either that or "Susan" was completely off her rocker. If somebody similar to Gregory does exist, it could just be Susan was unable to cope with the death of Gregory and just snapped. Whatever the case, this is a terrifying case.