
MajorFogTime t1_j9ltlu0 wrote

This is really sad but did anyone catch this bit? I had to double check that I was reading the NYT and not a tabloid.

> Surfing videos resemble a real-life version of the mobile game Subway Surfers, in which users take on the persona of a teen who has just been caught doing graffiti and must run on tracks and jump on trains to escape an inspector and his dog. In an increasingly digital world, the blurring of lines between screen and reality can normalize risky behavior, said Dr. Megan Moreno, interim chair of the department of pediatrics and principal investigator of the Social Media and Adolescent Health Research Team at the University of Wisconsin.

> “It’s really a teaching platform of, here’s how to do this,” Dr. Moreno said. “People watch it and I think, ‘I can do that too.’”

Come on now. No one is using Subway Surfers as a guide on how to "subway surf." The game's been around for over a decade now, it's not anything new.

I thought we were past the early aughts' attitude of blaming literally everything on video games.


MajorFogTime t1_j9g9tjb wrote

I mean, you could have done your own research and look at the removed posts in that thread. You didn't. You could have asked what the situation was (before making assumptions, not after), you didn't.

You chose to spend zero time looking into it and made assumptions. Weird that you're painting me out to be the unreasonable one for being agrieved by your assumptions.

I'm done with this conversation. You can ask the other mods for further input if you want, I don't intend to waste any more of my time on this. Have a good one!


MajorFogTime t1_j9g5kko wrote

I'm not sure if you noticed, but the mod(s) were removing posts that were too off topic, so yes, I posted it here. I shouldn't have replied to your comment in that thread at all but I couldn't help myself. I let my emotions get the best of me and I'm sorry for that.

As for my position, yes, a lot of people expressed agreement. You can see above and via the removed messages in the other thread that a few other people expressed that their concerns weren't being heard.

I wasn't necessarily looking for changes to go through immediately but I wanted to have a discussion about it. Something like "hey, I appreciate your input but this wouldn't work for reasons X, Y, and Z" would have been good enough for me. What I got instead was "don't challenge my authority, I know better."

At the end of the day, it's all small beans, it's just being a mod. I'll admit that I was pretty salty at first but I've gotten over it. I don't agree with the head mod but I do believe he is doing what he thinks is best for the community, the intentions are good. I just don't like when people make assumptions like you did.


MajorFogTime t1_j9fu8ua wrote

I can corroborate what he said. I was the mod who got removed for getting into an argument about the rules. The mod removed for not doing the mod trainings was one of the most active and long-standing mods in the community. "Lack of activity" was not a valid reason to unmod them.

Also for the record, I wanted to have an earnest discussion about changing the rules. My intent was not to cause some kind of "mutiny" or to not follow the rules. I always enforced the rules as written even if I didn't totally agree with them.

Unfortunately the way Reddit works is that the moderator with the highest seniority (i.e., been mod the longest) has supreme power. This was the entire issue we had last time with the previous head mod who was taking action without consulting anyone else.

I'm kind of over it and have no ill will towards the guy who unmodded me (which is why I've refrained from commenting on this until now) but I'm ashamed to say a comment in the volunteer thread this morning kind of triggered me and I had to reply to it. I don't like people who make judgements (and pretentious ones at that) without knowing all the details.


MajorFogTime t1_izpocbg wrote

I just got shitcanned so I am free to be honest now and... most of the mods are actually really nice people. You wouldn't believe the crap that they deal with on a daily basis (especially when anything controversial comes up).

It's really hard to balance moderation when both sides are screeching at you about how shitty of a job you're doing. If you go too far one way, the other side gets pissed and vice versa. No making everyone happy, I suppose.