
LupinThe8th t1_ja802ox wrote

This was my only problem with Marvel Midnight Suns. Not only was the 2K launcher annoying as hell, but it severely impacted the performance of the game.

If you've got it, do yourself a favor, disable the launcher. It's easy to find guides for doing so, and it'll improve the game considerably.

But for the life of me I can't see how this passed QA, when the problem isn't even the game itself.


LupinThe8th t1_ja5okxw wrote

  • I Love Lucy? (Ricky can't remember why he puts up with this shit)
  • Three's Company? (Jack finally proposes a threesome)
  • Happy Days? (Actually, the 1950s kinda sucked in a lot of ways)
  • Good Times? (Not that the 70s were much better)
  • The A-Team? (Really? These guys?)
  • All My Children? (Paternity tests pending)
  • Dark Shadows? (Try our new cooling sleep mask!)
  • 3rd Rock From the Sun? (A flat-earther's journey)
  • Reboot? (Ma'am, have you tried turning it off and on again?)

LupinThe8th t1_j63wzpj wrote

At this point I assume that's what all former companions are up to. Sarah Jane, Donna, Tegan, Ace, Martha, Mickey, and Graham have all been shown getting into alien shenanigans Post-Doctor. The end of the last special even showed them forming a support group.

They just released a trailer for a Blu-ray collection of series 9 back in the 70s - and the trailer is a mini-adventure featuring Jo Grant and a Sea Devil. Yeah, they're marketing a Blu-ray box set with a reminder that 50 years later Jo is still having adventures. What other franchise does things like that?


LupinThe8th t1_j5hh015 wrote

We were very fortunate to get a third season of Twin Peaks in 2017, and it was magnificent, an almost perfect revival.

It will never happen again. Since the end of season 3 we've lost too many people, like Warren Frost, Catherine Coulson (she was dying as they filmed season 3, and they wrote it in), Al Strobel, and maybe most importantly Angelo Badalamenti who died this past December.

You cannot do Twin Peaks without Badalamenti's music, it's practically a main character, and I bet anything David Lynch would have no interest without it. If he even were interested otherwise, and I doubt it, it seems to have been something of a career retrospective for him, so I think he said what he wanted to.


LupinThe8th t1_ixxxks9 wrote

So, the story goes that Lynch and Frost got screwed by the network.

They A) ordered more episodes than the creators had expected for season 2, B) insisted that the mystery be solved (it was never intended to be - the answer is obvious in hindsight, but they were never planning to explicitly reveal it) and C) made it be solved by episode 8, with a huge chunk of episodes left.

Lynch and Frost kind of got fed up and left it in the hands of others...for a while. If you tolerate it for a while it does get good again. The last couple of episodes are exactly the mindfuck Twin Peaks deserves to be, and worth sitting through the slog that is the middle for.

Also, after this you get the movie Fire Walk With Me, which is maybe the best film Lynch ever made, and then from 2017 Twin Peaks: The Return, which is maybe the best anything Lynch ever made.

So yeah, you're in for a bit of a rough patch, but I think if you stick it out you'll be glad you did. There's still gold in them there Peaks.

(And if you want more network-bullshit-free material, Mark Frost has written a couple of books which are fully canon, those are worth a look too.)


LupinThe8th t1_ixrg9ee wrote

Believe it or not, Ant-Man and the Wasp.

I had a little kid about 10 in the row in front of me. He laughed the whole movie...and then we got to the credits scene.

It was like witnessing a Vietnam flashback. The kid just froze like a deer in the headlights, a look of absolute horror on his face. His dad had to walk him out of the aisle like he was dragging a dog to the vet. Needless to say, it was hilarious.

I'm actually a little jealous. I'd love to see those movies through the eyes of a kid, and not a jaded adult who's like "yeah, sure, half the marketable characters are staying dead, I bet".


LupinThe8th t1_iu9w8tx wrote

I watched this film as part of my Halloween watchlist this year, and then the next day watched Graveyard Shift...which also features a crazy exterminator played by a character actor having far more fun than anyone else, Brad Dourif.

All I could think is that I wanted their characters to meet and go into business together. Six seasons and a movie, please.