
LongIslandaInNJ t1_jdic8a7 wrote

I feel the same about the Hoka's. My issue with the Doc Martens is there was no half sizes so I sized up and just always felt too big. I still have a pair from many years ago I wore often and recently bought a pair at a thrift store which looked brand new which I will try out.


LongIslandaInNJ t1_j6p2ene wrote

What does your neighbors yard look like? Does he have flowers to keep keep his bees occupied? You said he has 1/2 acre of grass. Does he grow wildflowers or have any type of flowers? You said below you have a pool and he told you to put out birdbaths - but does he have any type of water for them? Or do they have to just fly 1/4 mile to a stream? If you put out birdbaths and water if it is not changed out regularly it will attract and breed mosquitos which is what no one wants. The pool (and stream) is moving water. Perhaps the reason for the bees leaving the property is because he is not caring enough for them. This can be one of those if you cant beat him/join him situation. I dont know what your property looks like, however you can grow flowers and they will flourish. You can plant a vegetable garden and have pollinators. If you plan and plot it out correctly you can keep bees away from your main areas like your pool and lounging area because they will want to be where the tasty flowers and plants are. In my yard I planted flowers to attract butterflies, but also bees come, which is a good thing. I have a pergola maybe twenty feet away and the bees dont even come near it because they are more interested in the flowers and keeping busy over in that direction.