
LittleRudiger t1_ixiyfcj wrote

The whole Quicksilver thing being a dumb thing for Twitter clicks essentially hurts the show a lot.

Like, it happened in the episode where Wanda and Vision have a fantastic dramatic argument, only for people to come away talking about Quicksilver, which ultimately amounted to nothing in the plot and turned out to be a shitty dick joke.


LittleRudiger t1_ixiy7zw wrote

Wandavision is weird because half of it is absolutely fantastic (.. Wanda and Vision) and the other half is some of the worst b-material tossed into the MCU (everything revolving around SWORD, Monica, Hayward, Darcy and Woo). And of course, the finale is just truly dogshit, and … bafflingly in retrospect given where Wanda’s arc was going in MoM.


LittleRudiger t1_ivbl7h9 wrote

I honestly think Rome didn't hold up nearly as well as Deadwood. Largely because of scope limitations: so much of Roman history is the actual battles and conquests, and, obviously in that pre-GoT era, there just wasn't the budget and technology to accomplish that on screen (hence a lot of 'describing historic battles in retrospect'.

Would love to see Rome done today, though.


LittleRudiger t1_iuggrgz wrote

That and just like .. at that many years, you start to get into larger stylistic shifts in television.

E.R. comes to mind, eventually you run so long that you can see the shift from early-90's to 00's in tone, lighting, *feel*, and the original cast is so long gone that you sort of forget why the show was as big as it was in the first place.