
Jollydancer t1_j6wwj34 wrote

Mann, da hast du ja echt die A-Karte gezogen. Was wünschst du dir für die Zeit, die dir noch bleibt? Was möchtest du gerne noch machen oder erleben?

Machst du dir Gedanken darüber, warum es dich erwischt hat, also ob du irgendwo verstrahlt wurdest oder Umweltgifte abbekommen hast? Oder nimmst du es, wie es ist, und versuchst dir noch das restliche Leben schön zu machen?


Jollydancer t1_iwkmysx wrote

If he was „so excited“ to meet you and then ghosted you, he may have had second thoughts because of his own insecurities, and there’s probably nothing you can do to help him with that. He has to get over it himself.

Also, he may have had a death in the family or an emergency of some kind and hasn’t been able to focus on anything else but the situation in his family.

I usually think of possible scenarios when someone ghosts me and then tell myself: so they weren’t ready for me/a new relationship at this precise moment, and that’s okay. The ghosting shows that for some reason or other this wouldn’t have worked out. So I don’t need to waste any more thoughts on this snd can move on.


Jollydancer t1_iuegd3c wrote

I bake several cakes for my birthday and ask a few friends beforehand if they have time for coffee and cake in the afternoon. I am happy if people call, but I don’t mind if they don’t, as long as a couple of people show up to share my cake.