
Johnhfcx OP t1_j2fqr77 wrote

Yes but you know I really like the world Hugo paints. With such colour, and the emotional journeys his cast go through. I'm only about half way through the first volume, which is itself one of two. But this book is truly massive, what's more the script is driven and remarkable. I really can't fault him for this. Leave it with me, ta.


Johnhfcx OP t1_j2ed6dp wrote

Okay. Well sorry if I was rude. This book really spoke to me, from the viewpoints of Valjean, and all the others. I liked it because it seemed real to me. Really spoke to me. Not to mention the beauty of French language the book was originally written in. Which I recommend you picking up a copy to read, if you haven't already done so.

I liked it because it felt real to me. I cried when the main characters died, and laughed at their jokes. Actually I've found French comedy films on dvd are so much better than their English counterparts. And I like how they call the United Kingdom Le Royaume Uni. It has such a nice ring to it. We can't all like the same stuff. Keep it civil.


Johnhfcx OP t1_j2e21o1 wrote

Yes in the book she dies a broken women. Head shaved and sold her body. Jean Valjean vows to look after her child, before she leaves this world. And so that is why he has a mission, before the police constable Javert finally tracks him down, and tries to get him sent back to the galleys!


Johnhfcx OP t1_j2e19tb wrote

Yes the Bishop is in the opening chapters of the book. He lives with two ladies. One a cheerful and plump lady, who is talkative and merry. The other a slender and meek lady, who what she lacks in conversation, she makes up in godliness.

The two women take good care of the bishop. I won't spoil it for you what happens. Thanks for reading.


Johnhfcx OP t1_j2dvrxj wrote

Yes Juan. I saw that as well. Personally I didn't really like it. It just didn't appeal to me for some reason. I prefer the stage musical, and Victor Hugo's original text, which is actually two or three books, altogether. Although there are some versions which compile them into one!?