JMS79 t1_j9m9ezd wrote

I’m like 2 miles and face the SW runway from the airport. I sometimes hear when they rev the engines on take off on the NE runway, but really have to pay attention. Take off pattern is over my house for destinations south and west which is most of the noise I hear. It seems TF Green has most of their flights 5-8 am and then 7-10 pm. In my opinion it’s no louder (except maybe for some of the real large planes) than when I was 20 miles from BWI and planes came in on approach over my house. Sure I hear planes but it doesn’t really bother me or is much of a nuisance.

I looked at several houses East of the airport and honestly didn’t notice much noise but it was always during the slower times during the day. I’d say if you have lived near an airport in pattern or near a base with military jets you probably wouldn’t notice after the first couple days.


JMS79 t1_j91zury wrote

Literally moved to Rhode Island last year after living in the Baltimore area my entire life (30+ years). I work in the city and live south in Warwick. Traffic is much easier than dealing with the Beltway everyday. My same distance commute that I had in Baltimore is cut in half living here and that includes a 10 minute walk from where I park in Providence. But if you are north, west or east traffic in the mornings/evenings can be a bit heavy if heading towards Providence. The only bad thing is the roads are absolute pot hole filled everywhere up here.

As for crime, it’s a city so there is crime but mainly property crime. Violent crime I’d compare it more to like Dundalk, Middle River or Essex if that helps with a comparison to Baltimore. There are people from here who might make it seem like it’s hell with crime, but living in Baltimore and traveling to other cities I’ve seen what crime really can be.

Food scene is pretty dang good up here. I spent my first 2 months living downtown and there were plenty of options and still didn’t even try half the things I wanted to try from peoples recommendations. For a small city the food scene is more like a bigger city.

Climate i can’t say much but this winter has been abnormal and closer to a winter in Baltimore, minus an insane cold snap 2 weekends ago.

Overall it’s nothing like I expected and really love the state and the city of Providence. When it gets warmer I can’t wait to try quite a few new things outdoors and get out to a bunch of places to eat that I haven’t tried yet.


JMS79 t1_j8ftedf wrote

Moved here over the Summer and the RI Sportsbook is the worst I’ve used. Had several issues and ended up calling their support number to resolve the issues. It seems to be the only way to get any help.