
ImprovedPersonality t1_j1us8d3 wrote

The good thing about post-surgery pain is that it should go away pretty quickly. I’ve had multiple surgeries (cubital tunnel (elbow), 2 hip impingements, appendicitis, wisdom teeth removal …) and the post-surgery pain was always much better than the pain before. Not to mention that the surgeries fixed fundamental, disabling problems which were severely impacting my life.

Just the knowledge that the pain is from healing and not from ongoing damage and inflammation makes it so much more bearable. Similar to how DOMS is much more bearable than a tendonitis.


ImprovedPersonality t1_j1q3cvg wrote


ImprovedPersonality t1_j1i37u8 wrote

Here in Austria the green party has about 9% of votes. The right (ÖVP) and far right (FPÖ) parties have 20 and 27% respectively. Both parties barely admit that human made climate change is a thing and something should be done about it.


ImprovedPersonality t1_j1hiagg wrote

Maybe not the top 1% but certainly the top 10%.

But I agree with you. It’s also funny when you hear all the outrage about rich people polluting the planet.

Most of reddit is (comparatively) rich people who live in democratic countries and could easily and safely encourage change.


ImprovedPersonality t1_iwcrejk wrote

Don’t trust the body fat percentage “measurement” of cheap scales. Especially those which only have foot electrodes.

That being said, it’s very hard to gain muscle mass without gaining any fat, especially when you already are at a low BMI and reasonably fit. Even more so when you are gaining 5kg within 4 months like this guy.