
Imgoin2brich t1_iy81x04 wrote

I should clarify that I've been laid off too, and I dont genuinely wish people lose their jobs, maybe only if they indirectly caused the same hardship on families. I didnt mean to sound so cold in that statement.

I stand by the rest of what I said.

Dont go censoring me and banning me for it now lmaooo


Imgoin2brich t1_iy6i4hi wrote

People and families lost alot of livelihood from the former twitter that decided to play Johnny Law on free speech. It genuinely hurt people to do that.

I hope everyone involved in that is fired. They were messing with people's livelihood because of disagreements in values. You cant claim to be a public domain and then silence only certain views. Time to reap what you sow.

The other side apparently has a voice too, and now it's being heard.
