
Ieatadapoopoo t1_jab9bkv wrote

Is it an advantage or just “this happened to work out slightly better than the alternatives present at the time”? It’s mostly randomness and a matter of “not so awful it’s untenable” which, over billions of iterations, tends to end up somewhat efficient. To assume that something happens purely because it’s advantageous in a general sense doesn’t really work though. I mean, look at human nasal passages. Horrible, but not so bad it’s untenable.

Edit: to be clear, I say this only to mean that it’s not inherently going to be a logical conclusion we can easily discern. I’m mostly supporting your point.


Ieatadapoopoo t1_j9zob38 wrote

I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be pedantic, just making sure I understand, but it does sound like an educated guess, no? An insanely solid goes off course, but it sounds like we’re just really really certain of our guess. That’s enough to convince me, just wanted to be sure I had it right!