
Great_Zarquon t1_jae5anq wrote

It's a threat to shit writers who are just getting a paycheck for pumping out generic crap, chatGPT isn't a tool for creating compelling original content but I have absolutely no doubt it could generate material on par with something like The Eternals which essentially contains no original ideas or lines of dialogue lol


Great_Zarquon t1_j2dq5gj wrote

It's been the same thing in /r/movies for a couple weeks but any mention of it is getting shut down, it's pretty clear that either a) the subs are getting hijacked by people trying to farm content for / test AI accounts or b) the mods decided they have something to gain by opening the floodgates and priotizing quantity over quality. The sudden increase in the number of hollow low-effort engagement bait posts is pretty crazy and there's been no discussion about it.